Improve yourself self esteem and become the Five Star Women you are

Self-Esteem is a term that is often used in psychology to determine a person evaluation of themselves. Females is most often the gender that experiences self-esteem issues. It don't matter what age you are. Women of all ages could have low self-esteem some point in their lives. Women could develop low self-esteem for numerous reasons such as sexual, physical, or verbal abuse. Most women have self-esteem because of rejection from their boyfriend or husband. They began to feel unattractive and not worthy of being loved. Thinking negatively only hurts you in the long run and often leads to depression. Having low self-esteem could take a toll on the body and it could really cause problems with your health such as anxiety, phobias, or delusional thinking.

If you are one of the millions of women that are suffering with low self-esteem, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! You must push forward and gain back control of your life. You have to work extra hard to gain more confidence in yourself. Life is too short to not enjoy it. Having low self-esteem causes you to not enjoy the life that God has blessed you with.

Helpful Ways To Improve Self Esteem

Take care of yourself

Eat a well-balanced meal and avoid eating a lot of junk food.

Exercise and do yoga because it relaxes the body and relieves stress build up.

Do things that you enjoy like singing, dancing, etc.

Reward yourself. Sometimes we have to treat ourselves and stop waiting on others to it. Go to a spa, get a massage, etc. Do something that relaxes your mind and make you feel good.

Do something nice for someone else like keep their kid, run an errand, etc. By doing something nice for someone else, you would feel great by yourself when you receive the appreciation.

Compliment yourself by repeating your accomplishments and make yourself feel important.

Mediate, listen to relaxing music, and burn incense. This is a great time to think about goals and your future.

If you are a women that suffers from low self-esteem and other situations in your life, visit my site

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Lareccia Ellis