Listen, when comparing anti aging skin care products you have got to know all of the ins and outs of what it is that makes a safe and effective formula.  Many people try and evaluate which product is right for them by putting products side by side, and then judging them by what the labels say they'll do.  This is not the correct way to go about determining whether one formula is better than another.

All of the packaging of anti aging skin care products are going to tell you just about the same thing, which is that the product firms the skin, and reduces lines and wrinkles.  If you go by the description that the manufacturer has prepared, then you might as well simply choose your products based on which one smells better.  Just kidding on that one, because the fact is the highest quality skin care formulas won't have a fragrant aroma to them.

When comparing anti aging skin care products keep in mind that if the product gives off a noticeable fragrant scent, then it isn't healthy for you to use.  You probably didn't realize it, but there are over 4,000 toxic and carcinogenic chemical agent used in the creation of scents for various cosmetic formulas.  That lilac smell comes from a test tube, and not from real lilacs.

The bulk of the skin care products on the market are developed almost entirely of potentially harmful ingredients, as chemical agents are far more cost effective than using natural compounds is.  You even need to watch those products being billed as all natural, because companies will try and slip chemicals by you when they can.  You need to learn about the harmful chemicals they use, and keep a sharp eye out for them.

It might seem as though comparing anti aging skin care products is simply a matter of whether products meant to temporarily deaden the facial muscles, or those with collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid are more effective.  The truth is that neither of these types of formulas will make any real difference in the way that you look.  They cannot effectively address your problems.

What you need in order to enjoy firm, smooth skin, is a formula that contains nothing but all natural ingredients.  Not just any natural compound will do however, because there are only a few that are capable of increasing the production of collagen and elastin.  These compounds include avocado oil, active Manuka honey, and an enzyme saturated protein complex fusion called Cynergy TK.

When comparing anti aging skin care products it is simply not enough that a formula has ingredients known to increase collagen and elastin.  A truly effective formula will also feature ingredients proven to curtail the destructive activity of the three enzymes responsible for causing collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid to break down.  Phytessence Wakame kelp extract and grape seed oil are the weapons of choice in this category.

Bottom line, when comparing  anti aging skin care products you have to know what works, and what doesn't.

If you'd like to learn more about little known but clinically tested natural ingredients that are used for treating aging skin, visit my website today.