Natural Skin Products and Other Benefits of the Beach

With so much talk about taking care to avoid the sun's harmful rays, rarely do we read about the health, beauty, and fitness benefits of the beach.

Natural Beauty Aids
Think about it, sand and salt are common ingredients in the beauty products on which we spend a lot of money. For natural exfoliation, similar to that from a body scrub or pumice stone, talk a walk in the sand. Or better yet rub a handful of sand into your heels and feel the smoothing effect. Spend time in the salt water which can provide the same exfoliating properties as expensive skin products. The healing properties of salt water can also alleviate some skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

Exercise without Even Knowing It
The effect of shifting sand under your feet magnifies the health benefits of walking, running, or simply playing on the beach. Walking in sand requires on average twice as much work than walking on a hard surface at the same speed. Playing in the water is great for toning your body and has aerobic benefits. Try body surfing and other activities as simple as a game of catch. Bouncing around in the surf is a great low-impact exercise because of the work required to stay balanced and afloat against the waves and water; this is especially helpful for those with bad joints.

Vitamin D Absorption
We by no means want to ignore the fact that excessive sun exposure is bad for our health. With proper sunscreen usage, we can get just the right (i.e. healthy) amount of vitamin D that our body needs. The amount of sun exposure we inadvertently receive between sunscreen applications supplies our bodies with vitamin D which promotes

the proper absorption of calcium, contributing to a healthy nervous system and more. To shield your skin from the harmful rays at the beach: avoid direct sunlight between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.; apply sunscreen 20 minutes before arriving at the beach; reapply sunscreen every two hours or after swimming and sweating; sit under an umbrella; and wear sunglasses and a hat.

A Healthy MindThe beach offers benefits beyond fitness and beauty. Beaches are often associated with vacations. People who take regular vacations are less likely to be tired, depressed, and tense. Sunlight has also been proven to help cognition and relieve depression symptoms.

Whether the nearest beach is a short stroll or a plane ride away, spending a day there can provide enormous emotional and physical benefits.