If you are looking for little secrets on how to unclog pores, read on this article to discover 2 simple ways to unclogging those darn congested pores. Each pore is commonly clogged due to the dead cells that cover your skin. How do dead cells occur? – They usually occur as a result of accumulation of dust, dirt and excessive grease on your skin pores. If you don’t get rid of them timely, you will find many congested white and dark pores on your face and / or body.
For this purpose you can use a special exfoliator or exfoliating mask. This procedure is vital all skin types: no matter, it is dry, oily or combo skin. This is the best way to cleanse your skin from all dead cells and allow it breath well. Keep in mind that dead cells not only cause occurrence of enlarged pores, blackheads, pimples and acne, but they also impede skin to breath in fresh air and absorb as much oxygen as possible. 2. Steam Your Face Once Or Twice A Week. Fill a basin with warm water or chamomile and mint infusion. But avoid too warm water; otherwise you may burn your face. Then hold your face over basin for 1-5 minutes. In this way, hot steam will rise up and open up each and every pore. Just after that remove dirt from your pores! Then rinse your face with lukewarm water. I hope these above-mentioned tips are be the best answer to your question: “How to Unclog Pores?” . |