Dark Circles Around Eyes- Why It Is Hard To Remove Them?

Are you bothered by those dark circles around eyes? This is really annoying, right? Nobody welcomes dark under eye circles. Individuals would really panic the moment they see the dark circles appearing around their eyes. Other would rush to their dermatologist right away.

As much as we understand how you feel about those eyebags but you certainly do not need to be hysterical about it. You can get rid of it. How? First you need to understand why this hideous dark circles around eyes exist.

Dark circles or eyebags is a dermatological problem that nobody can escape. All individuals will experience it. Why this certainty? This is because eyebags is a normal and natural condition of our body just lake the flatus that we have anytime every time. It is unwelcome but still it certainly happens to all of us.

Why is that? Let us trace back the circulatory system of our body. The blood needs to circulate in all parts of our body. From the heart, the blood travels through our blood vessels. There three major types of blood vessels but the smallest vessels called capillaries are the culprit of the under eye circles.

Yes, that is right! The capillaries are the smallest blood vessels. This particular attribute causes the blood to leak from the capillary walls. The blood flow gets obstructed in the capillaries, thus pressure increases. This condition will make the blood find its way out. Since the capillary walls are permeable, the blood will break away from it. The blood leakage will settle down under the area. We can see this as a bluish tint under the eyes because the skin is very thin on this area.

Normally, the body's defense mechanism can wipe out this leakage and remove that bluish tint. But sometimes, it is hard for the system to eliminate the blood fragment because of other factors that make this skin condition worst. Allergies, medication, poor supply of nutrients in our body, and lack of sleep are the common factors that intensify the eyebags. This is the very reason why sometimes it is hard to get rid of this dermatological condition. You need to eliminate firsts those contributing factors before you can finally remove the dark circles around eyes.