What you Need to Know About Armpit Hair Removal

Armpit hair usually starts growing during the ages of puberty. The growth of the armpit hair however varies from person to person since some may have hair that grows in a widespread manner while others grow their on a concentrated patch.

There are two theories as to the uses of armpit hair. One is that it attracts pheromones which are chemicals that discreetly transmit the message to other humans of your sexual readiness or prowess. The second theory is that armpit hair lessens the friction between your upper arm and body when doing laborious activities. However, it is said to be no longer of use to us now due to advancement in tools and technology which have decreased the need for our body to exert too much vigorous labor and assertion.

People have different reasons for armpit hair removal. If you are thinking of armpit hair removal, don't let some of the popular beliefs on armpit hair removal turn you off because they might actually be just myths.

There is one common belief that armpit hair will grow back thicker after it has bee removed. This myth may have started because when new armpit hair starts to grow, one can feel irritation and ingrown hairs can make the armpits seem more inflamed and darker than before.

Another belief is that only promiscuous individuals shave off their armpit hair. There is no basis for this belief because some religions and cultures even encourage their people to remove armpit hair as a sign of cleanliness so that odor causing bacteria won't start living in the armpit.

Where It All Ends

Women are more concerned with removing their armpit hair as compared to men. Some people may not want to shave but are forced to because of sweat gland problems. They have to remove the hair so that deodorants and antiperspirants can be more effective in making the underarm skin dry. Although more common in females that in males, some men undergo armpit hair removal treatments maybe because they want to feel cleaner or as an athlete they are required to do this because it will help reduce friction when they perform.

Somebody once said that cavemen used two clamshells for a pair of tweezers. Now that is just a thing of the past. With the advancement of technology also came the advent of more convenient ways for armpit hair removal.

One of the most common way to remove armpit hair is by shaving. One can either use electric or wet razors but the important thing is that you take a hot shower before shaving to make it easier on yourself because this helps make the underarm hair softer. If you are afraid that you might hurt yourself by using a sharp object on your skin then you should use depilatories or armpit hair removal creams.

Another solution is waxing. If you want to spend less time on removing your armpit hair then maybe you should get laser armpit hair removal treatments. The cost for the visits can be expensive but in the long run you get to save because you just need to have the procedure done after every several months. However, if these techniques seem too complicated for you, there is still no harm in going with the natural look as long as you keep your underarms clean and free of odor causing bacteria.