Removing Face Warts Safely

Got a revolting wart planted on face? If your answer is “yes”, then it’s about time that you get rid of it. First, before making any move, you have to understand where warts came from. The cause of warts is a virus that came from the family of HPV or human papilloma virus. There are about 100 identifiable types of HPV viruses. These types of viruses have the tendency to grow in almost all parts of your body including your innermost genital areas. Warts are shameful to have most especially if it is located on the tip of your nose or just about any part of your face.

Some of the main causes of warts are the passing on from one person to another. There is also a high chance of getting one when you tend to share clothing or towels with someone who has one. Some warts just go away in a couple of months while some tend to stay a little longer and others just continuously grow on the same spot.

Because the face is highly sensitive to any kind of manipulation, any kind of growth removal must be proper and safe. For that matter, it is of utmost importance that you consult with your doctor first or your physician before making any decisions that may lessen or worsen your condition. Although, there are also applications and methods that are appropriate and can be considered even without the help of a physician. Some of which are:

1. Salicylic acid application

One can apply salicylic acid to a wart which may take weeks to see some difference. In order to get the best results, it is advisable that you apply the salicylic acid after a warm shower or bath or after washing your face. This will soften the skin of your face and will allow a deeper medication penetration. If the wart seems to fall off, you can use an emery board to rid of the dead growth surface.

You have to remember that you should apply salicylic acid on the wart area only and not on the surrounding tissues because salicylic acid can cause burning sensations that can eventually irritate the wart-free areas on your face.

2. Duct tape method

Covering a growth with duct tape is another experimental cure that others seem to consider. The principle goes with the idea that when a tape is applied on the unwanted growth, it will irritate the site and the body will react to the irritated part. Once the body reacts, it will attack the wart itself. You have to cover the growth up to 7 days for a more favorable result. After seven days, you can remove the tape then soak the affected area in water while gently rubbing the site with pumice stone. Leave the growth exposed when you sleep then apply the tape before you go out of the house. If this method does not work for about two months, it is better that you see a dermatologist for further evaluation.

3.  Liquid nitrogen application

This one’s usually done inside a clinic. The method goes with the application of nitrogen on the wart which will cause it to freeze and make it fall off.

If your body’s immune system can tolerate the daily application and the treatment being done to the wart, then results are more successful than those who have low tolerance to pain.