Will A Mole Removal Scar Be Visible?

Moles appear throughout our entire lives without an apparent reason other than genetic predisposition and sun exposure. In time some moles aggravate, changing color and size, while other remain unmodified and totally harmless. The most common procedure is excision and even if it involves a high degree of safety, it is not free of all inconveniences: it can cause scarring. There is not a big drama in scarring as such, since the mark can be only temporary and heal well in time, but the complete recovery depends on many factors.

First of all, the formation of a mole removal scar depends on the size and depth of the mole as well as on the dermatological procedure used to treat the problem. Deep cuts with stitches will usually leave scars behind, as compared to other superficial interventions. Laser treatments can also cause quite a lot of scarring because of the direct action of the light on the cellular structure that performs the evaporation of the tissues. Probably the intervention most likely to leave your skin free of any mole removal scar is shaving. Applicable only for certain types of moles, shaving will simply cut the portion protruding above the skin.

The only risk with shaving comes from the regeneration of the mole starting from the cells that could remain behind. Therefore, only after close medical investigation will an expert be able to tell what kind of treatment suits a patient's condition. Plus, the analysis and diagnosis make it possible to anticipate the mole removal scar size so that the person who needs the intervention should be aware of the healing process and the consequences. This peculiar observation should represent a warning to people who want to operate moles for cosmetic purposes only.

There are methods to reduce a mole removal scar and they usually consist of further surgery or the application of natural remedies meant to increase the tissues' capacity to regenerate after the healing of the wound as such. The anti-scar treatment or prevention ought to start as early as possible after surgery. Moreover, infections have to be prevented by all means because they aggravate scars. The application of topical antibiotics is a must until the full healing of the formal mole.