Using Emu Oil to Heal Scars and Lacerations

Clinical research indicates that Emu Oil helps heal scarring, even possibly completely eliminating minor scars.  It can also aid the body in the proper repair of lacerations to prevent scarring from ever occurring.

Used by the Aborigines for thousands of years as a holistic skin treatment, it has been proven to contain properties essential for the production and maintenance of healthy, supple skin.

Treating Lacerations, Cuts & Scars

The faster and more properly a laceration heals, the less likely it is to form a scar. One of the reasons why it is so effective is that it contains natural ingredients that facilitate the quick and thorough healing of the skin.

Lacerations often tend to become infected and inflamed.  Not only does Emu O)il help the skin to regenerate properly during healing, it also helps reduce the incidence of inflammation and wards off harmful microbes that tend to grow in the wound.  As if this weren’t reason enough to treat lacerations with emu oil, this natural wonder also has properties that help alleviate pain.

It has been proven to be hypoallergenic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial, with almost no incidences or any type of adverse reaction from its use.  This makes it is a wonderful scar treatment option for children and the elderly.  With practically zero chance of a negative reaction and so many studies that prove the many ways it can help, it makes sense that every laceration should be treated with emu oil.

How Emu Oil Helps in Healing Scars

In addition to preventing scarring, it is also beneficial in reducing the appearance of scarring once it occurs.  Minor scars may even be virtually eliminated, it is packed with Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids that are essential to helping skin regenerate.

The body cannot produce these essential fatty acids, so it is a wonderful way to introduce them to the body.  Emu oil penetrates deep into the skin tissue to aid in healing of all layers and not just the surface layer of skin.