Home Remedies for Wart Removal- 3 Simple Tips to Remove WartsHaving warts can be frustrating. You don't like the way they look. And you notice that people stare at them. You may have tried to hide them with a band-aid, so that people can't see them. Well, now is the time for you to get rid of them. So, what I'm going to do is share with you some home remedies for wart removal. That way, you will have clean and clear skin and won't have to worry about having warts ever again. The home remedies for wart removal are: 1. The first remedy for your warts is to soak it in apple cider vinegar. To soak your warts, dip an ear swab (or q-tip) into the apple cider vinegar, and apply it to your wart. Do this once a day until they are gone. 2. Another home remedy for warts is to consume garlic capsules. Garlic fights against the virus that cause you to have warts, which is why it's so effective. So, be sure to take one garlic capsule two times a day. You should be able to find some garlic capsules at your local grocery store. 3. Using duct tape is another wart removal tip. Apply duct tape to your wart and then remove it. This might be a bit painful, but it will work. The more times you apply the duct tape and remove it, the more layers of your wart you will get rid of. Be sure not to touch or pick at your warts. They could get infected or spread to other parts of your body. These are some home remedies for wart removal. If you are serious about getting rid of your warts, you should do something about it now. If you wait too long, your warts could become worse and spread to other parts of your body. |