This question has been asked so many times and hasn't been answered clearly. This is why i've written this article to help you out with your dilemma. I also needed this question answered. I have been using alcohol on and off. Not that often, maybe like once every two months. At least i'm not over using it. Well with some research on the internet I came to find some answers that you may find helpful.
In some cases, alcohol is good for your skin, for others, not so much. Depends on what your skin type is. You can use a little once in while for really bad or oily spots. But, excessive use will dry out your skin. It will irritate your skin and make the situation much, much worse. I have been told that hydrogen peroxide works wonders to prevent future zits. Witch Hazel is also a great astringent and less harsh than rubbing alcohol. Tea Tree Oil may be another good choice, if you don't like to buy commercial preparations. But always be sure to read the ingredients, some Tea Tree Oil products may contain alcohol.
<b>Warning</b>: If you have oily skin, it's best to stay away from using alcohol to clean your face. Using alcohol having oily skin will suck the moisture out of your skin, causing it to dry out. Your best bet would be using soap. It won't damage your skin.
So in conclusion, alcohol isn't something I'd recommend for cleaning your face, but it's an alternative if you don't have access to something like soap, Tea Tree Oil or if you'd like, Hydrogen Peroxide.
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