Diflucan for Toe Nail Fungus Remedy

Toe nail fungal infection can be very irritable especially for those having very sensitive toes and toe fingers. It can alter the over all look of the nails by discolouration and making them very brittle and flaky. A large portion of nails are damaged making it very awful. This is the main reason why people shy away from exposing their toe fingers and want some way to cover up their toe fingers. There are many ways to prevent the toe nail finger fungal infection and if it occurs, many ways to cure them. Al though it cannot be said surely that all the remedy will suit for all. Some works for some reasons only and cannot be taken as a fool proof method.

However, using the oral antibiotics which act as a broad spectrum antibiotic might kill almost all the fungal species. But, it takes really a lot of time for a complete cure. But how effective these antibiotics are in destroying the spores is yet to be analysed. One of the most common antibiotic prescribed is diflucan.This drug is commonly called as fluconazole. This drug is of chemical origin and proved to act against the fungus. It is a broad spectrum antibiotic which can act against almost all the fungal species.

Frankly, diflucan is not the best choice as said for the other antibiotics. The treatment period for diflucan is longer as compared with the other drugs. This drug is little expensive as well. Though, this drug can be taken when all the other drugs fail to act on the infection. This drug also has the danger of side effects when it is not suitable for the individual. The side effects include the normal side effects like nausea, vomiting, head aches, skin rashes, loose motions etc. care has to be taken while taking the drug and have to be consulted with a medical practitioner for the dosage amount and period of consumption. In addition to the normal side effects, this drug can also cause some additional serious side effects like the liver toxicity and some extreme skin allergic reactions.

Other drugs that are prescribed along with the drugs may include Lamisil and Sporanox. These drugs also present similar side effects to unsuitable individuals but in a less virulent way. These are markedly less toxic than the traditional antifungal drugs like Griseofulvin as compared with these drugs Diflucan stands a better place to kill the toenail fungus.

During the treatment with diflucan drug, other alternative medical treatments like the counter treatment can also be followed for effective results. Along with the drug treatment, personal hygiene and care has to be taken to keep the feet clean and dry. Clean and dry areas in the feet discourage the growth of the fungus and encourage the hygiene individually.

Nail care including cutting the nails that have been chipped and cleaning the nails frequently help to avoid any further infection. Along with this, wearing a well comfortable shoes for air circulation and clean and loose socks help to prevent sweating and thus discourages the fungal growth.

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