Yes, we all know that sugar can make us gain weight, but what we all don't know is the damage it can do to our skin.  Scientists now know that anything that causes an elevation in blood sugar levels also causes inflammation.  Researchers are saying that inflammation can be the basis for many disease processes like heart disease, joint disorders, cancer, skin problems like acne and eczema AND skin aging.  Sugar is a major culprit in the diet and skin connection.

If we have too much sugar in our bodies, the excess sugar molecules attach themselves to proteins.  Collagen in our skin is a protein that when broken down causes sagging and wrinkles.  Sugar molecules attach to collagen, degrading it and breaking it down to cause the wrinkles just mentioned.

Antioxidants are also affected by excess sugar because they are proteins that sugar molecules will attach to as well.  The antioxidants which protect us from free radical damage can't do their job and leave us vulnerable to cell damage and more visible skin aging.

Sleep is important in this sugar, diet and skin connection too.  When we don't get enough sleep, the hormone cortisol rises which pushes up blood sugar levels and the release of insulin is stimulated, sending sugar to the cells-----which in turn causes sugar cravings!  A vicious cycle huh?

So, just stop eating sugary candies, cookies and cakes? No, sugar is also found in fruit in the form of fructose.  The two main types of carbohydrates are starch and sugar that become sugar in your body when digested.  White bread, rice and pasta all become sugar when digested.  Athletes will "carbohydrate load" before their competitions, but they use up the energy that is released in the form of glucose.  So if you aren't going to use it up it just isn't needed.

Vegetables contain carbs that don't turn to sugar when digested except for the root vegetables like potatoes.

We hear this phrase all the time but it certainly fits…..everything in moderation.  Don't deprive yourself completely, just make smart choices and treat yourself every once in awhile.

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