Whitening and Anti-aging by Winter Jujube

Winter jujubes have many advantages. They are not only fresh, delicious and crispy, but also rather nutritive with 19 kinds of amino acids needed by the human body like aspartic acid, threonine and serine. The biggest feature of winter jujubes is its largest content of vitamin C among all the fruits, with 380 to 600 milligrams of vitamin C in each 100 grams of winter jujube flesh. Winter jujube is considered as the best one among all the fruits and is called "live vitamin pills". Winter jujube can be used as a kind of powerful antioxidant and a best tool to restrict free radicals and resist aging. In addition, winter jujube can resist the production of melanin and fade the existing spots and pigmentation. At the same time, the effect of improving the skin color by winter jujubes can not be ignored. Therefore, it is a truth that winter jujube plays an important role in the skin care and anti-aging. Winter jujube also has excellent value for drug and health care.

Winter jujubes can effectively eliminate the toxins inside the body and protect the liver. Jujubes contain abundant sugar and vitamin C, and they can alleviate the damage caused by various chemicals to the liver, accelerate the synthesis of protein, increase the content of hemoglobin and albumin, and decrease the level of serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase. Therefore, jujubes can be used to treat chronic hepatitis and inchoate liver cirrhosis.

In the aspect of treating cardiovascular diseases, winter jujubes also have unique effect. Except vitamin C and vitamin P, other trace elements like vitamin A , vitamin E, potassium, sodium, iron and copper are also contained abundantly in winter jujubes. These nutrients play an important role in improving capillaries, maintaining the resilience of vessel wall and resisting atherosclerosis. Rutin composition is also contained in winter jujubes, which can be useful to prevent hypertension and coronary heart disease.

Except what has been said above, winter jujubes can adjust the human immunity system. Recently, the experts have found that winter jujubes contain a kind of special material called "cyclic adenosine monophosphate" (CAMP). Cyclic adenosine monophosphate is an important physiological activity material, taking part in many physiological activities inside the human body to adjust the immunity system, enhance the cardiac muscle systole, protect the coronary arteries, lower cholesterol and resist the proliferation of cancer cells.

Therefore, because of various nutrients, winter jujubes can not only play an important role in treating certain diseases, but also improve the skin and resist aging.