Removing Moles, Warts, and Skin Tags

Moles and warts are quite common and it’s easy to remove them. But what if you have skin tags? Can you also remove them?

Skin tags create cosmetic problems and insurance companies don’t cover such procedure. You need to spend money right from your pockets if you want to remove these unsightly lesions. Since not all people have the capacity to spend huge money in removing the skin tags, moles, or warts, here are some effective home methods of getting rid of them.

In the case of skin tags, some say that you can just cut or scrape them off. However, if this is done improperly, it can lead to infection. Make sure that you know what you’re doing and you need to sterilize the nail clippers or scissors first. Soak the materials in sanitizer or place them over fire. Before cutting the skin tags, prepare some bandage and cotton just in case there is bleeding.

Freezing is another method of removing skin tags, as well as warts and moles. Before, this procedure was exclusively performed by doctors but you can already find ‘freezing’ products in the market. It is already provided with instructions that you need to follow carefully. However, you can only use this option if you have small tags. The freezing products are available in kits and the kits are less costly as compared to the services given by doctors.

Another method is to cut the blood supply of the skin tags and other skin lesions. You can do this by tying a tight knot at the skin tag’s base. The string should be tied tightly. You can have someone tie the knot for you to ensure the tightness. Leave the string on for a couple of days. Since the blood supply is cut off, the skin tag will eventually fall off after a few days.

These are effective home methods for removing skin tags and even warts or moles. However, you need to be sure that the skin lesions are not malignant. If the skin tags, moles, and warts changed in color and size dramatically, schedule an appointment with your doctor. This is the very first sign that indicates malignant skin lesions. If anything goes wrong with the above home methods, don’t hesitate to consult a doctor as well.

Safety is very important and if you have second thoughts in carrying out the home methods, it would be best not to do it anymore and instead, consult a doctor. Aside from the home methods mentioned, there are still other home remedies that you can try like applying certain herbs on the affected area. If after all these home methods the skin tags, moles, and warts are not removed, a visit to the doctor is advised.

Although it can cost you some money, it would help to know that you’re in safe hands. The doctors can guarantee you that the moles, warts, and skin tags will be removed after the procedure. Most of the procedures can be done in a couple of hours and you don’t need to stay overnight at the clinic or hospital.

Removing moles, warts, and skin tags is very easy. In most cases, the skin lesions are harmless and can heal over time. But since the lesions cause cosmetic problems, you need to remove them immediately.