6 Exciting and Proven Ways to Look, Feel Younger

Even if you are already nearing your retirement age, you do not have to feel old and grumpy. You can still live a happy and active retirement by starting to change your perspective and putting emphasis on your health and beauty. Knitting on the rocking chair day in and day out is not the only option for you. For a brighter future and youthful self, just follow the ways in which you can look and feel younger in no time:

1. Enjoy Your Life To The Fullest

For most of your life, you have probably put off or sacrificed a lot of things for your family, job or your loved ones. Since you have already wasted so much time, maybe now is the time for you to start thinking about what makes you happy and enjoy your life to the fullest.

One effective way of starting your new life is by changing your perspective about it. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects and the things you think you cannot do, it would be a lot better if you exert your efforts to look at positive things and start to believe that you can do anything if you put your mind and heart into it.

2. Don't Be Afraid To Try New Things

Many people want to try a lot of new things but they are afraid to do so. One way of feeling younger is by freeing yourself from your fears. Don't be afraid to try new things that will add exhilaration and excitement to your life. Bungee jumping? Parasailing? Exotic dishes? Bring them on. However, you also need to be responsible before you take the plunge. If you have high blood pressure or heart problems, you might want to get your doctor's clearance first before you partake in adventure activities.

3. Keep On Learning

A healthy mind and a sharp memory is a testament to youthfulness. If you want to keep your brain functioning properly even when you are over 70, you better not stop learning new things. Enrolling in an art school, learning a new language, enlisting in a handicraft workshop, and even trying to be active on the Internet are good ideas of keeping your mind healthy.

4. Start Eating Healthy

Do not think that eating fatty foods can make you feel and look younger. As you grow old, your metabolism starts to slow down. Instead of feasting on sugar-rich food and fatty meals, you should increase your servings of fruits and vegetables to at least nine servings everyday.

5. Move Around And Be Active

Your joints and bones will probably be rusty if you do not become active. It is important that you move around and maintain regular physical activities or exercise regimen. If you are just starting out, you may want to try walking. It is also a good idea to do Tai Chi, yoga, and other fun activities, such as dancing, playing bowling, golf or other sports.

6. Be Mindful Of How You Look

If you want to look younger, you need to take time to protect your skin. First, you need sun block every time you go out of the house, especially from 10 AM to 3 PM. Next, you need to have a regimen for your skin. Using mild soap, toner, and moisturizer will help make your skin healthy and young looking. Do not forget to use a good eye cream, such as Eyelastin, because this will help prevent formation of wrinkles and fight skin problems in the eye area, such as eye bags and skin discoloration. For more details about Eyelastin, visit