How to Get Rid of Blackheads - Useful Tips

Blackheads are small plugs that develop in the pores of the skin. They are caused when the over active sebaceous (oil producing) glands in the skin become clogged with oil. This sebum then begins to harden in the pore. Since skin pores are open to the air, the top part of the hardened sebum or oil oxidizes, turning black.

Even people who do not have the misfortune of getting acne or pimples sometimes had to deal with black heads. How to get rid of black heads is a question that gets asked a lot. Depending on your skin tone and your situation there can be a lot of different answers but generally there are a few tips you can follow regardless of your skin condition that will help you eliminate black heads.

A facial steamer can be used as well to help opening the pores and get rid of bacteria and blackheads. The best solution is to keep blackheads from coming back by developing a habit of washing regularly. If you wash your face with a gentle soap or antibacterial solution before going to bed, you should be free from any kind of skin infections including blackheads.

Banana skins have been shown to clean the face. A thorough wipe round the affected area will help clear away unwanted grime.

Cleanse your face at least twice a day with a product that prevents your skin from being oily (as its this oil that leads to blackheads).

Cleaning your skin gently, particularly your face. It is best to use a mild cleanser twice a day. Do not scrub your face with a rough scour pad and do not use an astringent except for on very oil spots. You can make your blackheads worse if you aren’t gentle with your skin care.

Other solution that are also home made and designed at getting rid of blackheads such as using  a facial steamer etc. You can also use a hot towel on the affected area for a few minutes. That would open up the pores so that the body rid itself of the toxins and other impurities in the body. Be careful however not to scald your face by using a towel that is too hot.

Gentle exfoliants can be used to remove excess skin cells so they don’t clog up pores. This can also be a good blackhead home remedy if you do get blackheads.

Most over the counter treatments for blackheads contain benzoyl peroxide, which is an antibacterial agent. You can use benzoyl peroxide on your skin (sparingly to begin with) to treat your acne. It will dry out the skin and a surface layer of dead skin will soon be shed. This will make it more difficult for pores to become blocked, which will discourage future infection.

Another product that works wonders for blackhead acne is a beta hydroxy acid topical solution. It usually comes in the form of a wipe, and you can apply it to the problem area in the morning and allow the BHA to keep your pores clean and unclogged.