How Does Anti Aging Longevity Effect Sex

Aging is an insidious process, slowly affecting the biological process. The fact that the changes occur so slowly, does not change the fact that the changes do indeed occur.

In the past, aging has involved many theories as to how this natural phenomenon happens in all human beings. Most theories for aging are based on the wear and tear and the oxidation we see in everyday life.

Elderly people, just as well as mechanical devices, many times simply appear to be worn out.  Human aging has basically two types.

1)  The chronological aging simply applies to the number of candles a person has had on their birthday cake.
2)  The biological aging is the actual change in your body as you have chronologically aged.

No one can make any change to their chronological age, but each individual will have a different level of biological aging.

Anti Aging Longevity Science is the process of slowing the biological process of aging.  We have now found ways to not only retard aging, but in many cases have been successful in actually reversing the affect of chronological aging.

Theories in Aging

There are a number of theories concerning aging.  One of the more common theories being accepted today is the fact that aging is inherent in your genes.   As the genetic and DNA become better understood, it becomes an important aspect of what one might expect as to their own longevity.  Naturally the better one takes care of themselves the closer they will come to achieving their genetically programmed maximum.

It has been noted that people under high stress condition age more rapidly than those not being so exposed.  It has been shown that stress effects the hormone production of the hypothalamus.  Anytime the body's hormone production is disturbed, the regenerating process will not function properly leading to premature aging.

The wear and tear theory on aging problem comes from the observation of mechanical devices that will eventually wear out.  This theory does not take into account the body's capability of repairing itself and the re-growth of living tissue.

The free radical theory is the most widely accepted explanation concerning aging.  Free radicals or highly reactive body chemicals have been proven to be the main cause of tissue damage.  These free radicals have a number of usages in the body, too much of these bodily chemicals however can damage our cells and tissues.  These chemicals are in search of extra electrons.  This enables them to steal electrons from other molecules. As they continue to do this, they eventually damage our cells and create other damaging new chemicals on the process.

Effects of Aging on Sex

We experience a multitude of changes as we age.  These changes can be both psychological and physical.  Our sexual vigor is certainly among the things that changes as we grow old. During our youth, we have unbound energy an enthusiasm for this activity.  As we age, we tend to lose our desire as well as our ability for sex.

Hormonal changes which are normal during the aging process, can significantly affect the levels of our sexual drive. In men, testosterone decreases due to aging and any health conditions. It is similar in women as many studies show that most females sex urge decreases with advancing age.

How to Maintain Sexual Drive

A most effective way to improve sex drive as you age is to have sex on a regular basis.  Just like in keeping your body fit and sound, regular and satisfying sexual performance can really train your body to respond well to sex.

Learning the changing psychology of sex as one grows older, can also help you and your partner have a more satisfying sexual relationship.  You need to consider your existing medications, stable medical conditions, adequate foreplay, and appropriate positions.

Taking these factors into consideration, you will definitely have a more satisfying sexual experience.