Stop Age To Increase Your Quality Of Life With HGH

Anti Aging is going to take on a new level of importance. Many people, after raising their family and completing their life's work, enter into their retirement and final phase of life. As they become older, and the ravages of aging starts to take its toll, their quality of life becomes severely affected.

The most distressing aspect of growing old is not the actual lose of years to be lived, but rather the illnesses associated with the aging. It is not actually the quantity of life of the remaining years, but rather the quality of life of the remaining years.

The pharmaceutical industry has done an adequate job of making this end of life phase as somewhat tolerable by supplying drugs that target the symptoms of the aging illnesses as they become apparent.

There is a huge change that is occurring in our health care industry. We have just added 30,000,000 million more people on to our health care system with no associated increase in doctors. There is a very good likelihood of the potential for rationed care. With 70% of healthcare cost being in the last 5 years the older person's life this rationing will not only include the medical services but also the associated cost. The pharmaceuticals that made the end of life phase tolerable for the elderly may well need to be phased back. The quality of this end of life phase may be in jeopardy.

As people look at the likely quality of their elderly years and realize the benefits that they will accrue by implementing an anti aging strategy, their complacency on examining their end of life cycle may well dissipate.

Although the Anti Aging or Stop Age movement is relatively new, documenting the actual years of life extension is difficult, but the increased health level of the participants has been well established.

With over 3000 research projects confirming Dr. Rudman's original anti aging work done in 1990, the benefits of supplemental HGH can no longer be denied. Previously because of the large size of the HGH molecule and its extremely fragile nature, it had to be administered by injection. The recombinant hGH was rather expensive and also had to be injected in a fashion to mimic the secretions of the body. This made it too expensive for the general population.

Because of the tremendous benefits of HGH, (see the video on our website) researchers all over the world have been working on combinations of amino acids and proprietary ingredients that would entice the body's pituitary to return to its younger state of production.  It has already been determined that, if properly stimulated, the pituitary can secrete as if in a younger state. These stimulating products have come to be known as secretagogues. In the last twenty years, significant progress has been made. By using the body's own HGH, not only has the cost been substantially reduced, but also the hormone is secreted in a manner in which nature intended.

I was a consulting metallurgist for 20 years. Retired from metallurgy and had a physical therapy practice for 5 years.  For the last twenty years I have been involved in natural therapies and anti aging technology.