How Does the Body Make Collagen?

In order to help the body make collagen, you should do several things.There are 25 different types in the human body.  Of them Type I is the most abundant.  It is the primary component of the skin’s dermis layer.  Type VII is also found in the skin where the dermis joins with the epidermis.  The other types are found in cartilage, the eyes, the endothelium and other areas of the body.  This article focuses on Type I, because it is the most common type.

First, let’s look at how the skin’s collagen fibers form.  The process is somewhat complicated, but I’ll try to simplify it.  It all starts with a cell.

Within specialized cells, amino acids bond together to form small peptide chains and the well-known triple helix structure is created.  At this point, the chain is known as pro-collagen and it is sent to the Golgi apparatus, where it can be secreted into the spaces that lie between the cells.

Additional peptides cleave to the pro-collagen and tropocollagen is formed.  Tropocollagen molecules automatically self-assemble into fibrils and bundles of fibrils combine together to form fibers.  The fibers attach themselves to the cell membranes using proteins and glycol-proteins.  So, in a nutshell, there you have the answer to; how does the body make collagen fibers.

In order to help the body make collagen, you should first focus on good nutrition.  You need to consume enough protein in your diet, because proteins are composed of amino acids and although they are not complete proteins, collagens are composed of amino acids.  If you don’t get enough of the essential amino acids in your diet, the cells of your body will not secrete pro-collagens and the process will never begin.
You also need to be sure to get enough vitamin C in your diet or through supplementation.  It is needed as a cofactor for the production of pro-collagen molecules.  Without it the fibers will be weak.

Once you have your diet in order, you need to use nourishing creams on a daily basis that support the whole process.  Since new cells are needed to help the body make collagen, you should look for creams that stimulate the production of new cells.

CYNERGY TKhas the most supportive clinical evidence concerning that ability.
The primary component of CYNERGY TK is an active form of keratin.  The protein is bound to small amounts of copper and zinc, which have been shown in scientific studies to stimulate cellular rejuvenation.

When applied topically, CYNERGY TK has been shown to increase skin cell proliferation by as much as 160% in as little as three days.  In addition, the creams have been shown to increase firmness by as much as 42% in less than three weeks.

If redness is a problem, the underlying cause is inflammation.  CYNERGY TK has been shown to inhibit inflammatory molecules by over 70%.  So, that’s how you help your body make collagen, while countering some of the signs of age. -Margaret Bell