Puffy Baggy Eyes::3 Easy Steps to Remove Puffy Baggy Eyes

The 3 steps to remove puffy baggy eyes are easy to follow.If you do you may be pleasantly surprised how your appearance could change for the better.  Let me show you how many others are taking steps to remove puffy, baggy eyes.

What Causes Bags Under Eyes & Puffiness?

These are caused by fluid build-up in the skin just below the eye area.  Also, age seems to contribute to bags and puffy eyes.  But they can appear at any age.  It must be noted that the skin beneath the eye is much thinner than in other areas.  Therefore, it is much more prone to damage and needs special care.

Benefits of Removing Baggy, Puffy Eyes

The benefit is pretty obvious, we will look much better and our self-esteem will skyrocket.  Also if we have puffy eyes, we may have a health problem, one of which could be circulation.  I'll get to the steps to remedy this in a moment.  But first, let's look at some old but perhaps somewhat methods of removing "bad eye looks".

Cover the eyes with cold cucumber slices or citrus fruit.  I'm not sure about the cukes but the citrus fruit may have some merit since there is a flavonoid in it that can help vascular health - vitamin P.

How about slapping on a slab of raw steak to a bruised, baggy eye.  Maybe the proteins in the steak could help.  But anything cold usually helps reduce puffy eyes temporarily.

Step 1 - Rest More

Make sure you get your zzzz's, plenty of sleep every night.  But not just sleep, get plenty of REST.  Relax. Get your mind on positive things and build up some hope for a better future.  You decide how but just do it.  Your whole appearance and attitude will change.

Step 2 - Diet Adjustments Could Help Some

Increasing the consumption of fruits and veggies will help combat inflammation.  Decreasing, if not eliminating, meat will help battle undue inflammation. Replacing meat with fish is a smart choice.  This is because fish will give us the needed protein that giving up meat lost.  If some meat must stay in your diet, take a quality fish oil supplement everyday.  Fish oil helps our health in a variety of ways.  Make sure the fish oil is processed correctly.  I explain this on my website.

Step 3 - Use a Skin Moisturizer Cream

Most skin care creams on the market do not work.  I know because my job is to do research to find the ones that do what they advertise.  Most are junk and a waste of money and could even damage your skin.  I won't elaborate on the ones that do work here but visit my website listed below and I'll give you the absolute truth on skin care that does work.

For any skin care product to really work, just remember these two things:
(1)  The ingredients must be the right kind.
(2)  The ingredients must be of the proper concentration.

And now please visit the XtendSkinCare website listed below for updated information on how to remove baggy, puffy eyes.