Some Common Treatments for Dermatitis

The term dermatitis is something that is used for many skin conditions and simply refers to an inflammation of the skin and surrounding tissue.  Rashes and eczema are both conditions that would fall under the category of dermatitis.  While this condition is not life threatening and not contagious in any way, severe cases can be very uncomfortable or even painful for the sufferer.  Some cases clear up on their own while others may require some medical intervention.

What Causes Dermatitis

There are many different causes for the many different conditions that fall under this term, and some are simply genetic.  This means that you're just going to be more prone to rashes or extremely dry skin, or to eczema itself.  For others, dermatitis might be caused by irritation to the skin such as from prolonged exposure to chemical and other such harsh solutions, to severe weather especially cold wind, or other such elements.  It's not uncommon for those who work with cleaning solutions or who work outside without proper covering to suffer from dermatitis in one form or another; this includes not just on the hands but around the mouth as well, as cold air and vapors can irritate this sensitive area.


If you know that exposure to harsh elements is going to cause dermatitis, then you know immediately part of the solution or cure for this condition.  It's important to keep your hands protected at all times.  If you work with cleaning solutions, hair care products, or any type of chemical that is going to irritate your skin, you should always wear rubber gloves.  If you need to work outside during the cold weather, wear warm gloves.  A scarf over your mouth will prevent dermatitis on your face.

You also need to take care of your skin scrupulously if you are exposed to these chemicals or harsh detergents.  Those who work in the medical community and so must be washing their hands constantly typically get some form of dermatitis on their hands.  There are many safe lotions that one can use regularly to replace these natural oils on the skin and hands that you are stripping away.

When to See a Doctor

Most cases of dermatitis can be treated at home and simply need time to heal.  However, if you notice that any patch of skin has become red and inflamed to the point of breaking or is bleeding, you may want to contact your doctor.  And if your dermatitis has not cleared up after several days, your doctor may be able to prescribe a topical ointment that will help speed the healing process.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with dermatitis such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin E, Aloe, Chamomile and Unsaturated fats.
Vitamin A and E taken internally and applied to the affected area have been shown to alleviate the systems of dermatitis.

Dr. R. Patila reported good results with Vitamin B therapy for many types of skin problems and rashes.

Aloe Vera will help rejuvenate and tone skin all over. A naturally cooling gel, the Aloe Vera botanical ingredients work together to stimulate the blood circulation and naturally soften the skin.

Chamomile is used to soothe and re-vitalize the skin.

Unsaturated fats stay liquid at room temperature such as soybean, wheat germ, sunflower and corn oil have show to greatly improve eczema.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and not to be construed as medical advice.