4 Home Remedy Ingredients for Wrinkle SmoothingA home remedy for wrinkles is found in practically every culture in the world . What if you could find a homemade wrinkle smoother that combined the effective components of all of these remedies?Yes, you can. Just keep reading to find all 4 ingredients and how they are combined to smooth out your wrinkles. There's a simple reason that a different group of people would have a different home remedy for wrinkles. They used the things that grew near their homes. They didn't have access to the entire world, as we do today. If you lived in Japan, you couldn't use a homemade wrinkle smoother that contained jojoba, because it only grows in the Americas. If you lived in the Americas, your home remedy for wrinkles would not contain Wakame Kelp, because it mostly grows in the Sea of Japan. You get the point. Olive Oil Olive oil is a favorite homemade wrinkle smoother in Mediterranean areas. Scientific evaluation has shown that the oil is very similar to Human sebum, the skin's natural oil. If you use olive oil designed for cooking, you may get a greasy, rather than a smooth filling. Properly formulated creams will penetrate deeply, hydrating, without causing greasiness. Manuka Honey Honey is a popular homemade wrinkle smoother in most areas of the world. Wherever you find bees you find honey. Over the years, honey has been used to treat everything from sore throat to skin injuries and infections. Recent research has shown that enzymes in honey have antioxidant and antibacterial activity. It's the antioxidant activity that allows it to reduce wrinkling and fine lines. Antioxidants repair free radical damage, the cause of wrinkling, sagging and a generally older looking appearance. Researchers have found that manuka honey, from New Zealand, is the most active variety. Now, you can even find manuka honey bars, a natural alternative to antibacterial soaps. Wakame Kelp That's theJapanese home remedy for wrinklesthat I mentioned earlier. Evaluation of the kelp has shown that it is rich in the nutrients that support the skin's health; vitamin A, many of the B vitamins and calcium for example. Further studies have shown that creams containing the kelp extract work to increase levels of hyaluronic acid, an amino acid responsible for the skin's firmness. Jojoba Oil Traditional, it was used by Native Americans to heal wounds and fade scars. Eventually, it was used as ahomemade wrinkle smoother, because wrinkles and scar tissue are similar. What works to fade a scar or a stretch mark, will also fade a fine line or wrinkle. The oil is rich in vitamin E, an important antioxidant for the skin's health. You could choose just one home remedy for wrinkles, but why not use them all. There are many other effective remedies and when combined, they become even more effective.They are also quite safe and completely natural. For more information on wrinkles please see author box. -Margaret Bell |