Sending A Greeting Card Makes You Both Feel Better, When You Feel Better Your Skin Is More Clear And More Beautiful!

Sometimes the Key to Clear and Beautiful Getting Enough Sleep, Drinking Enough Water, and Reducing much as possible!

When you let your friends know how much you care about them, you spread good karma. It makes them feel good and it makes you feel good! When you feel good, you sleep better, and when you sleep better, you look better during the daytime! Then you have a happier glow and you look much more beautiful!

"There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship."  - Saint Thomas Aquinas

When was the last time that you sent some awesome cards to some of your family and friends? You can actually buy some blank notecards and write some great messages or friendship quotes and then mail them off to your family and friends to let them know how much you care!

I'm Father Time, and I am a self-help writer and motivational speaker. I also write greeting card verses. ?cPath=3140247&products_id=33658542" Here's An eBook Of Card Verses You Can Use , and it costs less than buying just one card in the store! This eBook is really awesome, and you will love it! The eBook contains 40 verses that I have penned and also has over 60 great quotes from famous people! You will love it...guaranteed!

Here are some great quotes to write inside a card to someone that you love:

"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction."  - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose."  - Hada Bejar

"Love doesn't just sit there, like a stone; it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new."  - Ursula K. LeGuin

Please take a few minutes and visit my fabulous website when you can, at because it has many interesting things that you'll absolutely love, such as good luck charms, psychic readings via e-mail, nice fashion jewelry, and Love-Attracting Amulets! Please check it out and please be sure to tell a few friends about it as well. Thank You!

Here are some good quotes for Cards To Your Friends:

"Good friendships are fragile things and require as much care as any other fragile and precious thing."  - Randolph Bourne

"The support of one's personality is friends. A part of one's self and a real foundation for existence."  - Katharine Butler Hathaway

Now get out there and brighten the days of others with these great friendship quotes. It is a wonderful way to spread good karma! If you want a ?cPath=2900129&products_id=42486784" FREE Subcription To My Daily Motivational e-mail, Please Click Here and Sign-Up...No Strings! It's my gift to you for being a great person who "spreads sunshine" to others! Thanks for that!

Many Blessings!