Oils for Oily Skin

Those who suffer from acne breakouts and the dreaded t-zone that seems to ‘shine-on' despite the best cleaning rituals may be inclined to think any oils in their skin care products will only increase the oil production in their skin.

Contrary to popular myth, even oily skin needs the moisture and nutrients contained in many vegetable oils. Drying out the oils on skin often contributes to the overproduction of sebum in skin. Sebum is the fatty substance secreted by the sebaceous glands. The purpose of sebum is to protect and lubricate skin and hair. When too much sebum is produced, pores become clogged, causing acne-like eruptions.

Those who contend with oily skin can use products that contain ingredients which perform double duty by clearing the eruptions and sheen, while providing moisture and protection.

Jojoba Oil:Jojoba is one of those ‘magic' oils that benefits every skin type, from the very dry to the very oily, and everything in between. It is often listed in products by its INCI code,Simmondsia chinensis. Those with oily skin will want to watch for this INCI ingredient, and feel assured that this is an ingredient that will help to regulate the production of sebum, producing a more balanced tone and texture to skin.

Grapeseed Oil:Grapeseed oil contains a mildly astringent property. Astringent ingredients act to ‘constrict' the pores, and reduce the amount of sebum that is secreted. The oil absorbs quickly; and it contains antioxidants which help to slow the aging process of skin.

Coconut Oil:Reputed to be good for oily skin due to its light texture and quick absorption, Coconut oil is another option to consider when selecting ingredients and/or products for skin care. Its anti-inflammatory properties will reduce swelling and discomfort that can accompany acne eruptions.  Like Jojoba oil, Coconut oil has the ability to address the issues of both oily and dry skin types.

Good skin care routines, with the proper ingredients, will diminish the irritation of oily skin, while enhancing the protective properties needed to nourish and hydrate skin through the aging process.