Acne Natural Home Made Remedy Tips That You Can Use

Acne, if not taken care of at the onset, can leave you with ugly marks that you might have to carry with you through your adulthood.

The efficacy of acne remedies depend on the level of condition and the type of skin that you have.

  • Pay attention to your daily habits and hygienic practices that can make your pimples worse and increase your likelihood of having scars.
  • You should learn that basic cleanliness is very important if you want to keep your skin healthy
  • Never go to bed without you washing your face first.
  • Always keep your bed sheets and pillow cases clean
  • Don't use another person's towels or personal belongings. You don't know what you can get from these borrowed items.
  • Don't pick or squeeze your pimples unless you want to carry the scars for the rest of your life

You can try some home made solutions like:

1. Mixing oat meal with fresh milk and made into a pack and use it on your face to cure your pimples. You can also use it as body exfoliating pack to clear away dead skin cells that cause the skin roughen. You can leave the pack for 10 minutes before you rinse it off with water.

2. Dabble lemon juice on your pimples. This helps to lessen the appearance of acne and decrease inflammation. Mix the lemon juice with warm water and use it as a facial wash.

3. Apply tomato puree on your face and leave for 10-15 minutes before you wash it off with clean warm water.

Now that you have known some tips, you should know the specific methods and the kind of work-outs that produce result. You can learn a lot more and get FREE resources at that will help you to know how to cure acne at home.