Get Rid of Stretch Marks With Home Remedies

Stretch marks usually appear during periods of growth or when you quickly gain or lose weight. As your size and shape changes, your skin has to stretch to accommodate the change. Stretch marks are most common during puberty and pregnancy - times when the body undergoes rapid changes.

Stretch marks can appear anywhere on your body where skin is stretched, or overstretched. The normal production of collagen gets disrupted and as a result stretch marks appear. They are most likely to appear in the places where fat is stored – the abdomen, breasts, upper arms, thighs and buttocks. These marks are not harmful. These are simply cosmetic issue, and needs to be treated accordingly.

This skin care cream not only prevents stretch marks but also gets rid of them. It contains a wide range of proteins, antioxidants, peptides and humectants. Many of the ingredients are excellent stand-alone product for your skin. Yet all these have been scientifically put together to work in synthesis.

Mix Grind coffee with any regular hand lotion, rub into stretch marks for 1-2 minutes and wipe off with a warm moist towel. Repeat twice a day.

Apply cocoa butter and/ or elastin cream though out the body as directed on label. These are very good for stretch marks.

Exfoliate by scrubbing with a wet washcloth. Mix 1/2 teaspoon each of cod liver oil, olive oil, and aloe vera gel. Apply it to areas prone to stretch marks, or use it as a whole body anti-aging skin treatment.

Rub vitamin E rich oil such as olive oil or castor oil onto the belly every night. Use some aromatic herbs like mint, lemon grass, lavender, thyme, etc., make a paste of them with the oil and apply them onto the belly for better effects. The massage must be done for about 20 minutes every night while retiring to bed. Even if this is done after the birth, it helps the stretch marks to subside after a few weeks.

Prepare a solution by adding one ounce of carrier oil ( you can use avocado, sweet almond, jojoba, because they are the best ) with seven drops of lavender and some drops of chamomile. Apply this on the affected areas.

Shea butter is a relative newcomer to the stretch mark home remedy field.  Natural shea butter is an excellent source of Vitamins A and E which are essential for good skin health.  Try rubbing shea butter on your stretch marks 2 to 3 times a day to help with the healing process.

Rub generous amount of castor oil on the stretch marks, rap with a plastic rap and place a hot pad on. Leave it on for 20-25 minutes and wash off. This will help in treating stretch marks.

Generally, you should want to do something about your stretch marks because you want to and not because someone is pressuring you. If a lover or loved one is forcing you to do something about it, then consider a relationship change. It will be easier to get rid of that bum than it will be to get rid of the stretch marks.