Special skin care products for dry skin

In the same way that there are different types of hair, different skin types, it can be fat (if there is an excessive accumulation of fat), dried (for lack of moisture) or mixed (a combination of both conditions). This time, we will take care of dry skin, care for and some alternative treatment.
This type of skin can result from various conditions: a poor diet (which causes a deficiency of certain vitamins, and minerals such as zinc), the intensive exposure to the sun, the use of certain soaps, pollution, environmental changes or simply over time. Whatever the cause, the sebaceous glands do not produce enough fluid to lubricate and protect skin from moisture loss.

Special Skin care products for Dry Skin:

Then the skin is dull and increases their sensitivity, their texture becomes very thin and red tends to tear easily and develop premature wrinkles. In addition, it may become scaly.
Care for dry skin is based on smoothing the treatment we give and hydration. It is advisable to avoid soaps, detergents and perfumes, shower with warm water (never hot water) and in the shortest time possible; scenarios to, do it with soft touches, no rubbing, drinking plenty of water during the day and avoid exposure to strong sunlight, extreme cold or wind.

With regard to use creams, it is important to have sunscreen, and also vitamins A and E, collagen. It would be important to supplement during the night with some components regenerators.

Also interesting is the possible application of masks and treatments. If we can not resort to a dermatologist or beautician, there are several recipes:

• hydrating mask: mix 1 tablespoon vinegar 2 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon of brewer's yeast, 1 tablespoon olive oil apple, 2 tablespoons honey and 2 tablespoons yogurt. Apply and leave it to work for twenty minutes. Remove with water.

• Apply during the night of watermelon juice on the face.

• To smooth the wrinkles that are formed, especially around the eyes, you can apply the mixture of the white of an egg beaten to snow, with oatmeal. Should be left to dry and remove with warm water.

• To replace Cleansing (which can be aggressive), we can choose two other more natural options: (1) mixture of plain yogurt and a spoonful of milk or (2) a couple of tablespoons of warm milk and oil olive, and use them as such.

Like any change of habit, we must bear in mind that it may take time to start seeing results. However, it is also important to remember that dry skin has its advantages because it is not prone to acne or granite.
Today's doctors take natural remedies very seriously. They analysis the formulas herbal in medical trials and regularly recommend specific natural methods, In addition, they approve the use of herbal remedies to end toward the problems of all skin diseases and unclog pores. Himalaya skin care products are unique formulation of natural ingredients that cleanses refreshes and gently exfoliates dead skin cells and blackheads.