How to Avoid Cheap Skin Care Products

There is nothing worse than using cheap skin care products. Cheap skin care products do not necessarily mean that they are literally cheap and low cost. Cheap products are also those which contain cheap chemicals and other ingredients.

Cheap skin and beauty products are a major problem. A lot of companies make these cheap products so that they can cut down on production costs and increase their profit. Most companies also focus more on advertising, promoting, and selling their skin and beauty care products rather than spending time on research and product development.

The trend in the cosmetic industry at present is to introduce the newest product faster than your competitors that is why ingredients commonly used in a lot of skin care products are substandard.

Honestly, I don't care if they use cheap ingredients to make their products. I am more concerned about the safety of these ingredients. The problem is these cheap ingredients used in skin care products are actually harmful to your health. Here are some examples of commonly used cheap ingredients and their implications on the health.


Mineral oil is one of the most commonly used ingredients in skin care products. It is used as a base for creams, makeup, and other skin and beauty products. It also comes by other names like petrolatum and liquid paraffin. Its low cost is the major reason why companies use it in the first place.

However, it is actually bad for the skin as it causes the pores to become clogged. When the pores become blocked, the skin is unable to breathe and it is also unable to get rid of the toxins and wastes. This makes the skin more prone to irritation, inflammation, acne formation, and other skin problems.


Parabens is another of the cheap ingredients commonly used in skin and beauty products. Parabens are used to lengthen the shelf life of these products. It is effective as a preservative but it can have serious effects on the health as well.

Parabens can cause skin irritation, allergies, and rashes. It can also interrupt the normal functioning of the endocrine system. Studies also show that parabens can lead to cancer formation.


Fragrances can make skin care products more attractive to customers. However, ingredients used to make fragrances are often toxic and can also cause cancer.

A better alternative to cheap skin products are the natural products. Natural skin care products are safer as these are milder to the skin and won't cause serious health problems. Don't use something that can poison your body. Make smarter choices and choose to go natural.

You only get one face, why not use the best natural products your face deserve? To find out more about the benefits of natural skin and beauty products, visit my site today!