Three Important Things You Should Know Before Buying Body Creams

Body creams, like lotions, are emollients meant to hydrate the skin. However, unlike lotions, creams are thicker in consistency. People with very dry skin usually benefit best from the use of body creams. The use of creams are also suitable for those with mature or aging skin.

In choosing a body cream, it is important to look at the ingredients used in making the product. After all, the ingredients serve as a basis whether the cream will work or not. The best body cream to use is one made with natural ingredients, contains ingredients that work well to hydrate the skin, and addresses the problem of collagen and elastin loss.


It is very important to choose a body cream, or any skin care product for that matter, that contains only natural ingredients. Most skin care products contain chemicals and synthetic substances that can cause health problems as shown by various studies.

Among the ingredients to be avoided are parabens, mineral oil, dioxanes, alcohols, and fragrances. Chemicals can also cause skin reactions like allergies and rashes. Natural ingredients are milder, safer, and more effective.


Of course, the reason why you would be using a cream in the first place is to hydrate your skin. A good skin cream will nourish the skin and combat dryness.

Some of the best ingredients that provide moisture to the skin are shea butter, babassu wax, manuka honey, and natural oils like avocado oil, jojoba oil, and hazelnut oil.

These natural moisturizers are also rich in antioxidants and vitamins to help keep the cells healthy.


Several factors can cause the collagen and elastin of your skin to break down. Aging, sun exposure, smoking, and poor eating habits can all lead to wrinkle formation, sagging skin, dryness, and uneven skin tone and texture.

It is important to use a cream that contains ingredients that will naturally stimulate the body to produce more of these two very important proteins. Natural substances known to promote collagen and elastin production in the skin are nano-lipobelle H-EQ10, cynergy TK, avocado oil, vitamin C, and grapeseed oil.

These three factors are very important to consider when choosing a body cream. Don't be fooled by advertisements meant to attract consumers. If you would like to read more about the important factors in choosing a cream, visit my site today.