How to Prevent Visible Signs of Aging

What if you could keep the vibrant skin tone of your youth well into your fifth decade of life? While there is no full-proof solution to the visible signs of aging, today there are more natural, non-chemical ways to delay the inevitable changes in your skin than ever before.

Some would say that skin aging is half in your genes and half in the way you live your life. Internal aging, also called Intrinsic Aging, can start as early as your twenties bit not be evident on the skin surface for decades later. However, Intrinsic Aging can also determine how quickly the normal aging process in your skin happens.

When environmental or lifestyle factors control the affects of aging on the skin, it is called Extrinsic Aging. Examples of these environmental and lifestyle choices include our exposure time to the sun, our smoking habits and even gravity.

While it may be harder to combat the Intrinsic aging process, the Extrinsic Aging process can be delayed simply by changing certain lifestyle behaviors. Even internal aging can be affected by making sure that smart choices are made in skin care and lifestyle.

Here are a few steps to slowing down the visible signs of aging:

  • Watch your sun exposure. Even tanning beds!

How many of us, thinking we won't be out in the sun during our normal daily routines but a few short minutes, decide to skip any preventive measure that would protect us from the sun's harmful UV rays? Research has shown that a few minutes a day over a long period of time is enough to cause damage to our skin in the form of freckles, age spots, fine wrinkles, spider veins and skin cancer. Preventing sun damage to the skin is so easy and yet, according to the American Cancer Society "Most of the more than 2 million cases of non-melanoma skin cancer diagnosed yearly in the United States are considered to be sun-related". Common methods of preventing sun exposure while outside include using a sunscreen or sunblock that has an SPF of 30 or higher, wearing long sleeves or long pants and big hats to protect the head and body, and trying to stay indoors during the peak hours of sunlight, typically defined as 10 am to 4 pm.

  • Choose your skin care regimen wisely. More natural is better.

While nowadays, there are a varied list of spa treatments to delay the signs of aging on the face (think botox, laser resurfacing, microdermabrasion, chemical peeling and more), a skin care regimen that includes a non-greasy moisturizer will help to hydrate your skin. My grandmother swears by this. Growing up, I remember watching her do her "routine" every night before bed. I always thought "who wants to go through all the steps every single day? What is the point?" Well, I have to admit my grandmother looks fantastic. She convinced me in my early adulthood to start my own daily routine. The only difference between what she used to do and what we both do now is that the products we use are more organic in nature. I almost hate to admit that I discovered Key Naturals online, but I really appreciate the success I have had with it. The system I use is more of a pharmaceutical solution than a cosmeceutical one, where you are just treating damaged skin on the surface. There are many different solutions out there. Research according to your skin's needs.

  • Stop smoking.

It is said that research proves that smoking can statistically make it more likely that you will develop skin that is deeply wrinkled with a leathery feel and/or possible even a yellowish color. However, as is the case with many of the detrimental effects on the body due to smoking habits, it is also said that damage can be halted by the cessation of smoking, no matter how long you have smoked.

  • Drink lots of water.

If not drinking enough water leads to dehydration in your body, you can be sure that it will show in the look of your skin. Well hydrated skin appears well hydrated. The elasticity of your skin is lost when it is not hydrated. Experts have long urged us to get 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, with a glass being equal to 8 ounces.

  • Watch what you eat.

Vitamins in fruits and vegetables, especially the leafy ones, reap all kinds of benefits for our skin. That is because nutrients like Vitamin C (broccoli, bell peppers, greens), Vitamin E (spinach, asparagus, nuts), and Vitamin D (milk), just to name a few, may help with the amount of collagen in our skin, help in reducing the damage done to our skin by free radicals, and keep our skin from developing a dry complexion.