Natural Hives Prevention TipsHivesis caused by an allergic skin reaction from the release of histamine and other inflammatory chemicals causing raised patches of red itchy skin. Hives are normally triggered by hypersensitivity of the immune system and can last for a few hours to a few days. As well as the itching, other symptoms include swelling, redness, sneezing, muscle spasms in the lungs, and in severe cases, the allergic reaction can narrow the air passages making it difficult to breathe. Hivescome and go! With the following natural hives prevention techniques, lets hope once the hives go, it will never come back. Natural Hives Prevention
The best natural hives prevention is to discover your hives causes, and to eliminate those irritants from your daily life. Hives is basically caused by an allergic reaction. To have this allergic reaction our systems must first become sensitive to the allergen through multiple encounters before the sensitization develops. These are some possible causes of hives: * Food allergies Reduce Stress STRESS and anxiety can cause hives. Our bodies are miraculous creations that respond not only to the external environment but to our thoughts, feelings and inner life. Relax and lighten up! Colon and liver cleansing The lymphatic and immune systems will be cleansed effectively helping the body to regain a balanced immune system. The following herbs can assist the cleansing process: Dandelion Milk thistle Burdock Centaury Fringe tree Red clover Burdock Cleavers Violet leaves To read full article go to / |