Are You Suffering From Chigger Bites?

Chiggers are not very popular in some parts of the world. However, they are very well known in some parts of the world. Chiggers are the Al Capone's of the insect biting world. A very small bit what causes the most terrible itch known to humankind.

People the world over search for effective treatments for relief from chigger bites that might make one consider amputation of the infected part. And protection against bites in the first place.

Outdoorsmen collect chiggers when hiking about. Chiggers lounge about on grass blades and brush leaves waiting for a host-you to come along and invite them to dinner.

Chiggers will still leave behind their feeding tubes known as stylostomes causing the severe itch even if the chiggers becomes dislodged hours before.

One chigger treatment could be the removal of the affected part. Amputation could soon become a serious consideration as the only chigger treatment. Scratching is not an option. However, scratching can be engaged in with great vigor. Scratching will not remove the feeding tube or the itching.

Know that scratching can cause severe infections that may require medical treatment. Staph infection is a possibility from scratching any wound.

Some possible chigger treatments that may temporarily lessen the itching are;

  • benzocaine

  • heat --point hair dryer at itching spot for few minutes. DO NOT burn the skin

  • sublimed sulfur or flowers of sulfur

Further chigger treatment tips include:

  • mowing the lawn

  • removing old growth leaves located in dark, moist and warm places. Any place that squirrels and other rodents would hide are prime hiding places for chiggers

  • Let the air and sunlight in and the chiggers will find dark places to go

  • Spray the yard before doing any activities with diluted dish soap and vegetable oil (4 tablespoons of dish soap and 4 teaspoons of vegetable oil per gallon of water) or diluted Safe Solutions, Inc. Enzyme Cleaner with Peppermint (1 - 2 oz. per gallon of water).

Here's what else. Now that you know how to take care of your yard, you need to discover how to protect yourself before you go out.

Before going into chigger land use a good repellent. DEET is the most popular and is found in popular name brand repellents like Repel or OFF, Detamide, orpermethrin that can be obtained at many drugstores or feed stores. Some pet repellents also can be effective.

A word of caution. DO NOT apply any of these on the skin. Apply the repellent to clothing ONLY at the cuffs, shirtfronts and beltline. A good rule of thumb is if you would not put it in your mouth, do not put it on your body. The skin will absorb these toxins into your body quickly.

Better yet, get a good natural repellent for personal application. Pennyroyal and Citronella essential oils are two such repellents.

Chiggers like dark colors so wear light colored clothing.

  • Tuck the pants into socks or boots.

  • Wear long sleeves and loose fitting clothing

  • Keep moving as the worst infestations occur from sitting or lying down in sunny spots when the temperatures get above 60 degrees

  • Think avoidance

  • Stay in cleared off areas and on roads and trails

As a warning, the writer of this information provides it for informational purposes only and assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this information. The user assumes total and complete responsibility for their choices and doings.