Why Herbal Acne Treatments Are Becoming Popular

It seems that the herbal acne treatments industry is exploding at the moment.  Previously only something a few considered, and then just a case of taking the occasional supplement, now it seems there are hundreds, if not thousands of herbal acne treatments available on the market.

So why is that these treatments are becoming so popular now?  What has changed to make them such a 'hot topic'?

The Fall and Rise of Herbal Acne Treatments

It should be remembered that using natural ways of dealing with acne is far from new.  In fact it has been around for thousands of years, people have always worried about pimples and blemishes on their face detracting from their appearance, right back to the Ancient Greeks and Persians.

But modern medicine has taken over relatively recently.  The last few decades have seen spot creams, drugs and the like created to combat spots, with varying degrees of success, and as a result the herbal acne treatments  fell in popularity somewhat.

But that is changing now.  More and more we see people turning towards herbal acne treatments in an effort to combat their spots and pimples.  Rather than using modern medicine they are again looking at how natural products can improve their skin.

But why is this happening now?  What has changed to produce this lift in popularity for natural remedies?

Reasons for the Increased Popularity of Herbal Acne Treatments

  • Side Effects.All modern medicine has some form of side effect.  Sometimes that side effect is useful but sometimes it is less desirable.

    With the traditional medicinal acne treatments the side effects have tended to be less than desirable.  In an effort to deal with the main cause of spots they remove all sebum from the skin, sebum is a natural oil that causes spots when present in too much quantity.  But sebum is also needed to keep the skin healthy so the side effect is that the skin becomes dry, flaky, sore and brittle.  People are looking to natural remedies to escape the side effects of modern drugs.

  • The Internet.Before the internet natural remedies could be dismissed as old wives tales, told only by those 'daft enough' to believe them.  Now though we can see what people are doing and why, anywhere in the world. The internet has also enabled us to read independent user reviews about individual herbal acne treatments which were difficult to find before the world wide web made these things commonplace.

  • Science.Science has started taking herbal remedies seriously in the last 10 years, and has looked again at which natural remedies can help us and our health.  There is now real scientific reasoning behind certain herbal acne treatments, so that you can make an informed choice.

They are the major 3 reasons for the rise in herbal treatments as a solution to acne problems, but of course they are far from the only reasons.  Cost, a disillusionment with prescription and over the counter medicines and simple results have all led people to try and keep using herbal acne treatments.