How Light Sleepers Treat Insomnia: Sleep Aids, Rozerem

For light sleepers, insomnia can be an annoying problem. The barking dog outside. The ticking of the alarm clock. Even the sound of your partner shifting in the bed can disturb your Zs.
If you're tired of awakening at every little sound, maybe it's time you tried some natural sleep techniques coupled with a non-addictive sleep aid such as Rozerem. Although being a light sleeper is annoying, there's no reason you can't ease your insomnia with a few sleep-enhancing tricks.
Insomnia Overview
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder in which the patient either has trouble falling asleep or cannot remain asleep for an extended period of time. Although most people have experienced a sleepless night or two during their lifetime, often it's connected to a specific stress-related event such as the loss of a loved one or a job related anxiety. Doctors refer to patients in this category as temporary insomniacs. The insomnia symptoms will usually disappear when the underlying stress is resolved.
Patients with chronic insomnia are those who have battled sleeplessness for a period of six months or longer. In these insomniacs, doctors may have a difficult time pinpointing the exact cause of the condition.
Left untreated, chronic insomnia can lead to other serious problems such as depression. Due to fatigue, people with chronic insomnia may also experience a total lack of motivation or enthusiasm. As the body becomes worn down, insomnia sufferers have trouble concentrating. Performing daily routine tasks can be difficult. They may even undergo behavior changes.
Although sleep aids can help patients achieve better rest, chronic insomniacs can become addicted to certain prescription sleep aids. While they may be sleeping longer hours than before, their bodies can experience a number of unpleasant side effects related to the long-term use of sleep aids.
Today a greater number of people suffer from insomnia than ever before. Did you know that before the invention of electricity, the average American slept around nine hours a night? Only a small fraction of the current population acquires this much sleep on a regular basis. In fact, our current society might view individuals who sleep nine hours as lazy or unproductive.
How Your Work Schedule Can Aggravate Insomnia
In order to function properly, our bodies must be in tune with their internal clock or circadian rhythm. Most folks acknowledge they feel more productive after a restful night's sleep. But for patients with insomnia, getting enough sleep and feeling refreshed is a rare occurrence.
In today's hectic workplace, an increasing number of employees are being forced to toil during hours that conflict with the body's natural sleep schedule. Insomnia sufferers who work afternoon or night shifts have an additional burden to overcome. These light sleepers must deal with sunlight disturbances as well as noise issues. For them, falling asleep and staying asleep may seem next to impossible.
Fortunately, there are a number of effective natural techniques that can help insomnia patients relieve their condition. You may wish to try these natural methods first before seeking relief from prescription sleep aids like Rozerem. These helpful methods can even lessen your long-term dependence on sleep aids.
Natural Methods to Help Light Sleepers Combat Insomnia
Before attempting to treat insomnia with natural sleep aids or methods, you may wish to consult with your physician first. Neurologists who specialize in sleep disorders are highly qualified to assist you in determining the cause of your insomnia. Patients who can first identify the reasons for their insomnia are more likely to have a successful outcome.
Helpful Tips for Light Sleepers

  1. Keep a sleep diary that includes the following:


  • total hours slept each night,

  • number of awakenings during the night,

  • approximate amount of time needed to fall asleep.


Over time you can identify any specific patterns or events that may be contributing to your insomnia.

  1. Try to go to bed around the same time each night. This will help your body regulate its sleep schedule. If you simply cannot fall asleep, you may have to reduce your sleep time until your body becomes fatigued and sleep is inevitable.

  1. Earplugs are an inexpensive way for light sleepers, especially travelers, to combat insomnia. If you're fed up sleeping with your head tucked under the pillow, this tip may be just the cure you need.

  1. Although noise is the enemy, many light sleepers can tolerate a consistent noise such as a fan, air conditioner, etc. During the summertime, this is the perfect way for insomniacs to drown out disturbances such as automobiles, televisions, or loud neighbors.

  1. Soothing classical background music is a great way to eliminate other noises while relaxing your mind and body. Try listening to some of your favorite music in order to beat insomnia.

  1. Watch your diet. If you're an avid coffee drinker, set a specific cutoff time for your last cup of java. Caffeine aggravates insomnia and can increase your anxiety level.

  1. Avoid eating a heavy meal before bedtime. Digesting all that food is hard work that can keep your system active and awake for hours.


Natural Herbs and Supplements Can Lessen Insomnia

Natural herbs are a great way to fight insomnia. Many of these natural sleep aids are also inexpensive to purchase. Like all drugs, you should consult with your doctor or a qualified herbalist before attempting treatment.
Most natural herbs can safely be used to treat insomnia. However, ask your doctor first if you are taking any medications or plan on using prescription sleep aids along with natural herbs.

  1. A herb called valerian has proven especially effective in helping insomnia patients. This natural sleep aid allows patients to fall asleep quicker and helps them achieve a sounder sleep state necessary for dreams and restful sleep to occur.

  1. Corydalis is a herb that both relaxes insomnia sufferers and lessens physical pain due to other illnesses that may be the root cause of insomnia.

  1. Chamomile is a well known herb that can be consumed in the form of tea or as an extract. In addition to treating insomnia, chamomile helps reduce stress and depression.

  1. Light sleepers may want to try lemon balm to lessen the effects of insomnia. This natural herb is popular for treating mild insomnia cases since it effectively reduces stress and anxiety levels.


Rozerem, a Non-Addictive Sleep Aid for Light Sleepers and Insomniacs

If you've suffered from insomnia for an extended period of time, you may be familiar with a new prescription sleep aid called Rozerem . Rozerem is unique from other sleep drugs as it does not cause dependence or harmful side effects.

Rozerem can be taken safely by most insomnia patients for an extended time. However, it is not necessary to take Rozerem on a daily basis. Simply take the Rozerem tablets on the days you have trouble sleeping.

Although Rozerem does not cause excess grogginess, insomnia sufferers should refrain from potentially harmful activities like alcohol consumption while using this sleep aid.

In order to learn more about Rozerem and decide if it's the right sleep aid to treat your insomnia, visit our Rozerem facts page for more details.