What is the art of Lucid Dreaming?

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Simply stated, when you know that you are dreaming while being inside a dream, you are having a lucid dream.

But that's only a basic description. Such dreams are different than the normal ones. It requires persistence and a fair amount of time, but you can learn to fully control them, increase their vividness and length.

For me, this art (because that's how it should be called) consists of something more than just realizing that your are inside your head, and then going with the flow of events. Sure, it might be fun, but the real joy begins when one learns to control the dream.

The freedom in lucid dreams is, lacking a better word, pure. With a little training you can learn to do everything you want. You could fly, go on a date with somebody you secretly love (or do more, you know what I mean), take part in a great battle, play in your favorite movie/game. Possibilities are endless.

Another twist is that there are absolutely no consequences of your actions. It's obvious when talking about social ones, but what about your health? Good news – lucid dreams don't have any kind of negative impact on your body or mind. You rest just as if you were dreaming the normal way. You can even use the control you have to prevent nightmares, or change them into something pleasurable if they already began.

In addition to providing fun and stopping nightmares, you can use those dreams for more practical things, like rehearsals before a concert, giving an important speech etc.

As you can see, there's no reason to remain in the regular dreamworld, without consciousness. Very few people gain lucidity naturally, but that doesn't mean the rest of us is doomed. Everybody can learn this art at any age, it only takes time and dedication.