How I Cured My Obstructive Sleep Apnea in 30 Days With 6 Simple Exercises

My Sleep Apnea Cure®

How I permanently cured my Obstructive Sleep Apnea in 30 days without drugs, surgery, machines, pillows or appliances.

If you’re reading this, you or someone you love is one of the estimated 18 million Americans who suffer from some form of sleep apnea, like I  did . The following is how I permanently cured my Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in 30 days without the use of drugs, surgery, machines,  pillows or appliances.

In January of 2001, on my regular annual visit to my family doctor, I mentioned my noticeable decrease in energy throughout the day. My doctor said, “Maybe you have sleep apnea.” I replied, “What’s sleep apnea?” He explained that sometimes people stop breathing while they sleep because of various obstructions in their throat and air passageways. The impediment in breathing results in a lack of oxygen, which leads to the body secreting adrenalin into the blood stream, which then leads to gasping for breath and an interruption in restful sleep. He explained that sleep apnea sufferers don’t fully wake up; the gasping for breath occurs just above the level of REM restful sleep but below the conscious level. Later at the University of California at San Diego  Medical  Center  I was tested for obstructive sleep apnea and told that I stopped breathing an average of 44 times per hour as I slept. No wonder I was tired all the time. I hadn’t slept soundly in years.

Next came the really bad news. I was told nothing could be done to cure my OSA. There was no medication or surgical procedure that could guarantee a cure. I was prescribed a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine, (CPAP), a medieval-looking, computerized air compressor and mask contraption and was told I had to wear it every night from then on, in essence, for the rest of my  life.  I   tried  sleeping  with  the  CPAP mask and compressor but I couldn’t because of the uncomfortable mask and the noise of the compressor.

While continuing to suffer for years from sleep apnea I began experimenting with various exercises of my jaw and neck muscles, thinking that lack of muscle strength and tone could be the cause of my OSA. After a period of trial and error, I created six simple-to-do isometric exercises that strengthened specific muscles in my neck and jaw and believe it or not, I cured my sleep apnea! The six exercises took less than ten minutes total to do. I did them twice a day: when I woke up in the morning and before I retired in the evening. It took me less than 30 days of doing the exercises to completely cure my OSA. One of the first things I noticed was I was dreaming more. More REM sleep equals more dreams. Second, I was rested after six or seven hours of sleep, whereas before the exercises, I could barely get out of bed in the morning no matter how long I slept and I never felt rested.

I did the six exercises very slowly; I didn't rush them. My idea was to strengthen and increase the tone of the jaw and neck muscles used during each exercise. Each repetition took at least five seconds to accomplish. An easy way to estimate five seconds is to count: one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi, four Mississippi, five Mississippi. Each Mississippi is equal to one second. The slower I did the exercises, the better my results. I rested for five to ten seconds between each repetition. I did each exercise for a total of five repetitions to begin with, working up to a maximum of ten repetitions for each exercise. The full six exercises took me about ten minutes to do. You can do the exercises while sitting, standing or lying down. They are isometric and non-aerobic.

The six exercises cured my Obstructive Sleep Apnea. I have continued doing the exercises, just to ensure my cure is permanent. I feel sure my OSA was caused by my weakened jaw and throat muscles. If you have OSA like I did, these exercises are your permanent cure. They definitely were mine. You can learn more about my exercises at