Snoring - Can It Be Cured With An Anti Snoring Pillow ?

If you have suffered from snoring or a similar sleep condition for some time, you have most likely become aware of the plethora of anti snore aids that are available for purchase. Some are not so good, but the majority offer great relief to many snorers. The product that offered me the best quick relief from my snoring was the anti snoring pillow, which works amazingly well.

I found the anti snoring pillow to be a really great product that worked well, and could be bought quite cheaply. If you are like a large percentage of the worlds snorers, you will probably know that your snoring is at its most severe when you roll over onto your back during the night.If this is the case, you can be thankful. It allows a simple adaptation of your sleeping position to afford rapid relief.

The snore pillow is a specially shaped pillow that is made of a special foam called memory foam. By adapting to the contour of your upper body, it helps keep you in the side sleeper position during your sleeping hours.

In addition, it pulls the lower jaw into a slightly forward position and elongates your neck a little, thus assisting in keeping the airway clear at night.

Another great function it provides is that it appears to reduce discomfort on the neck and arms that some side sleepers experience, and is reputed to reduce the risk of headaches. It has been expressed by a lot of people that the snore pillow can also help reduce headaches, possibly due to the removal of stress and tension on the neck

There are quite a good range of these anti snoring pillows available online, ranging in price from as little as $20, up to $100 or so. One of the best mid range pillows is the FDA approved Sona Pillow, suitable for snoring and sleep apnea. If you are only a mild snorer however, you could probably get away with using one of the cheaper pillows.