Tiredness consumes us.  Alright alright, maybe that's a little dark and foreboding, but I do want to get the message across to people that constant tiredness and fatigue are not some sort of "necessary evil" that we have to be resigned to living with.  The problem is, there are so many reasons for being tired that we can often get confused when trying to address the issue.  One of the biggest problems I know of is misinformation, things we are taught from a young age about eating, sleeping, exercise and more are usually flawed and can create bad habits that actually contribute to our being more tired.

In this article, I actually want to take a look at those critical 3 factors of tiredness I just mentioned (sleep, diet, and exercise) and talk about how each one contributes to our tiredness and fatigue.  By the time you're done reading through, I hope to have given you some helpful new insights and ideas on abolishing tiredness from your life altogether!

Sleep:  No doubt you've heard before that the recommended amount of sleep for an adult is 8-10 hours.  Well as someone who is most certainly an adult, I can tell you that this information is flawed.

Sleep, as human beings experience it, occurs in 90 minute cycles.  Interrupting said cycles is a grave offense indeed, as your body will be begging you to lie down again and complete that sleep cycle all day long.  This is why people sleep 8 or 10 hours (both amounts NOT evenly divisible by 1.5 hour sleep cycles) often sleep long nights and STILL wake up tired and fatigued the next day.

Physical Activity:  This is another area that most of us don't even come close to measuring up in.  Let's face it, between kids, school, job(s), and just trying to live life, exercise can often take a backseat.  However, lack of physical activity is one of the top reasons for being tired.  Your body budgets energy on a need basis, which means that if you never use it, you lose it.  Even just 10 minutes per day of heart rate-elevating exercise can make all of the difference!

Diet/Eating Schedule:  It's no big secret that food has a monumental effect on our health, but did you know it's on of the top factors of tiredness as well?  Eating healthy foods at smaller, but more frequent meals can go a long ways towards increasing your energy level for the day and is a tactic I've personally used to feel more energized and productive WHILE sleep less!

Most people never realize how much tiredness was affecting their lives until they experience life without it. In order to help you eliminate feelings of tiredness and get more energy I've created 2 easy steps you can follow at always feeling tired .

More info on tiredness at Reasons For Being Tired
