Sleeping is one of the most important things for us to maintain our health. Proper sleep affects how we perform throughout the day. The better we sleep, the better our performance. In spite of the importance of sleep, most pillows were not designed to properly support the body to ensure a good night's sleep.
The perfect height of a pillow should be 8 to 15 cm because a pillow which is too high will lead to the neck being bent forwards, thus affecting backbone muscles, as well as the blood circulation of the brain, resulting in backbone diseases, pressing the blood vessels and nervous system, aches etc. In serious cases, uneasiness while resting, pressure in the throat and resulting in serious snoring. A pillow which is too low will result in excessive flow of blood in the brain, blood vessels in the brain being expanded and experiencing pressure. Uneasiness of the head after the sleep, swollen eye lids are common signs and therefore are bad for those who have high blood pressure.
You will need to replace your pillow once your pillow gets older. As your pillow gets older it becomes uncomfortable, lumpy and may have as much as 10% of their weight made up of dead dust mites and droppings. Dust Mite does most of their attacking at night while you are asleep. You will find that it is very difficult for you to get a good night sleep with your old uncomfortable pillow.
Neck pain can result from poor posture, injury, stress, disease, and other sources. Most of the neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain can be prevented by specially designed
OCA Water Pillow is a pillow that provides support and guidance for one to sleep in a comfortable manner. It is an adjustable pillow designed to naturally position the head and neck on the basis of hydrostatic buoyancy to relieve neck pain and headaches and to improve your sleeping posture for a better night's sleep. The height of the pillow can be adjusted to fit your shape and make you feel extra comfortable when you sleep on it. Pillows can be an inexpensive way to try to alleviate neck pain before moving onto more intense therapies.
When traveling, it will be great for carrying and for sleeping in hotels. It can be folded for traveling purpose. You can easily fill in water and drain out water anytime, anywhere at your convenience. Since hotel pillows are traditional thick and fluffy, you will find out that the pillows are not comfortable at all because they are not designed for your specific needs, you will be much more comfort and sleep better with it.
It is also specially treated to resist dust mites. So if you are an allergy sufferer certainly, it will not only provide you with a good night's sleep, but also help to keep dust mites at bay as well. It will be a great sleeping partner for everyone including regular travelers.