Personally, I'm a huge fan of technology.  I listen to my iPod every single day when I run.  I run a website and therefore spend quite a fair amount of time in front of my computer screen editing and posting new articles each day.  However, there are several ways in which using technology can contribute to constant fatigue and tiredness.  Now I'm not telling you not to use technology, but if you're looking to get more energy into your life and avoid tiredness, these are some good tips to live by.

Tip #1)  Power down early (just a bit!).  This first tip pertains to using screens, like your computer, TV, or ebook reader, late in the evening.  You may or may not know this, but the level of darkness in a room actually contribute to how easy or hard it is to fall asleep on a chemical level.  When the light around us begins to fade into evening, our brain releases melatonin, a chemical that makes us drowsy and signals that its time to lay down.

However, staring at bright screens of artificial light can throw the brain off and it will have trouble knowing when to secret the melatonin.  When you turn off the lights, you'll find that there isn't much of the chemical circulating yet and your mind will likely still be racing with thoughts.  Many people have trouble falling asleep after evening screen time.

Tip #2)  Face that alarm clock the other way!   I thought that this one was a bit odd when I started it, but it actually makes a lot of sense now.  When you get ready to go to bed, set your alarm and then face your clock the other direction.  Not only does the alarm clock emit light, but it can induce anxiety laying awake and watching the minutes tick away.  It can be much more calming to let yourself slip off to sleep naturally than to worry about the timing.  Just try this one, trust me.

Tip #3)  De-stress, people!  Stress is a major factor in most peoples' tiredness level.  While technology IS a vehicle of convenience, it can be exasperating obsessing over when an email is coming, or checking a bank account, or trying to fit in enough time for reading every article, website, and blog that you want to.  Try choosing just a few of your most important online tasks each day, and tune the others out to give you less to worry about.

Most people never realizehow much tiredness was affecting their lives until they experience life without it. In order to help you eliminate feelings of tiredness and get more energy I've created 2 easy steps you can follow at Why Am I Always Tired? .

More info on tiredness at why am i always so tired? .