The Benefits of Melatonin Sleep Aid

With the latest medical developments, even the most severe cases of insomnia can now be remedied. The release in the market of different kinds of melatonin sleep aid products has given new hope for better sleep conditions for the millions of insomniacs around the world.


Melatonin is a naturally occurring substance that is synthesized from serotonin and produced by the pineal gland. Melatonin production is highest at night and naturally signals the body that it is time to sleep. In other words, melatonin manages people's perceptions and natural reactions to night and day. People with insomnia naturally lack this natural substance; hence their bodies will not shift to a restful sleep phase at night. A good melatonin sleep aid that is available over the counter contains real sleep regulating melatonin.

Nature's Way

Before the age of industrialization, the disappearance of sunlight was enough signal for the pineal gland to produce melatonin to induce sleep. Getting enough sleep is essential because it is through sleep that the body can repair itself. It is believed that aside from its sleep inducing properties, melatonin can also fight free radicals at night while an individual is asleep. This is why sleep is so essential and this is also why insomniacs need a melatonin sleep aid for good health.

Modern Life

Evidences suggest that some people are responsible for an increased need for a melatonin sleep aid. Nature has equipped us with enough melatonin producing capabilities but certain circumstances promote the need for a melatonin sleep aid.

Other factors that reduce the production of melatonin include old age and illnesses. Stressful life conditions and lifestyles however are man made causes for the decrease in melatonin levels. Irregular sleep patterns due to modern lifestyles, stressful occupations and long working hours can all derail normal melatonin production creating the need for a melatonin sleep aid.

Melatonin Supplement

Taking a safe and trusted melatonin sleep aid can help an insomniac get enough sleep. A melatonin sleep aid does more than just promote sleep. It also reinforces the body's capacity to make more of its own melatonin again. As the body adjusts to a normal sleep pattern, it can begin to produce melatonin on its own. This means that a melatonin sleep aid works exactly on an opposite path as addiction. The more you use a good melatonin product the lesser you will need it in the future. The good thing about a melatonin product is its lack of negative side effects. It can even promote better immunity.

Free Radicals and Cancer

More than a sleep aid, melatonin is now also know to help prevent and cure breast cancer. It is believed that in industrialized countries, the use of artificial light can disrupt melatonin levels and can increase the risk of breast cancer.

Studies in animals show that cancer cells were inversely proportional to the levels of melatonin. Although further studies are required, present studies seem to suggest that melatonin may be developed for cancer treatment too.