The Anti-Snoring Chin Strap

I want to talk to you about the anti-snoring chin strap. There are a lot of people out there that have a problem with snoring and they're really not sure what they can do about it. It's sort of sad that more people know how to fix a weight problem than how to fix a snoring problem. A lot of people do this and they're not really the victim of the problem. The victims of snoring are the people that have to listen to it. It is your spouse lying awake at night or your roommate that is tossing and turning listening to you snore. They're the real victims of your problem. I'm going to talk to you about fixing this problem with the anti-snoring chin strap.

There is a very simple mechanical process that happens when you snore. Essentially there is loose tissue in the back of your throat that is vibrating, which leads to the sound of snoring. Something happens when you're asleep that leads to this problem. When you're asleep, your muscles go loose. It's the muscles in your jaw that you need to focus on because your jaw will fall loose. When this happens, your throat actually constricts. This constriction causes air to travel faster through the throat, which creates more violent vibrations.

The anti-snoring chin strap is really a simple device that you can use to fix this problem. Since the problem starts with your mouth opening up, we just need to close it. The chin strap wraps around your chin and the top of your head, holding your mouth closed. Since your mouth is closed, the airways in your throat expand and it becomes virtually impossible to snore.