How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?In today’s chaotic society many people are not aware of the importance of a proper sleep cycle. Most adults, due to their lack of time during the day, rely upon the night to complete majority of their tasks. This results in late nights and poor sleep habits. The amount of sleep that an average adult gets each night is around 5 hours. That is certainly not enough! So how much sleep do we really need? The average adult needs anywhere from 7 to 8 hours of sleep, whereas, the average teenager should be getting 9 hours. This almost never happens! And when we fail to get the proper amount of rest we are putting a strain on our health. We begin to lose focus, experience memory problems, succumb to depression, weaken our immunity, slow down our metabolism, and increase our stress levels. Clearly, getting an adequate amount of sleep is not a gimmick, it’s a necessity. For those of you who have a hard time believing in the necessity of sleep, perhaps the following health study will change your mind. It certainly surprised me! A recent study revealed that people who are sleep deprived perform as poorly on hand-eye coordination activities as people who are intoxicated. Scary, isn’t it? What this basically means is that a person who is sleep deprived has the same reflexes as a person who is intoxicated. So what does this say about their driving abilities? Since a sleep deprived person has the same reflexes as an intoxicated person, how much better can they perform behind the wheel? I would have to say about the same. So if you feel like getting a good night’s sleep is just a gimmick, think of all of the ways that you are endangering your health and the health of others. |