Natural Ways To Stop Snoring - Stop Snoring Mouth

Studies estimate that forty-five percent of men and thirty percent of women snore on a regular basis. Frequently, people who do not regularly snore will report snoring after a viral illness, after drinking alcohol, or when taking some medications. Now, here are the natural ways to stop snoring.

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Number one: Change your sleep position. Snoring occurs when the soft palate, uvula, tongue, tonsils and/or muscles in the back of the throat rub against each other and generate a vibrating sound during sleep. This usually happens when you sleep on your back. In order to solve this problem, try sleeping on your side. Also, elevate your head by putting several firm pillows under it. When the pillow is too low the tongue falls to the back of the throat limiting the air passageway.

Number two: Maintain a healthy weight. If a person is overweight there is an increase in the amount of fatty tissue in the throat which narrows the passageway. If you are overweight, losing just a modest amount of weight – even just ten percent of your body weight – can help you stop snoring. Number three: Stay away from alcohol, sleep aides, and other sedatives. These substances relax the throat muscles, narrowing the passageways. Moreover, anything that causes sedation such as sleeping pills or low dose alcohol can also cause snoring because they tend to suppress your breathing drive.

Number four: Establish a regular sleeping pattern. Establish a consistent bedtime and wake-up time. Rest well. Over-tiredness often leads to snoring. Irregular sleep patterns results in you not getting enough rest and complete exhaustiveness while sleeping. Number five: Sleep with a humidifier, or try nasal strips. Nasal congestion can often cause snoring. You can reduce congestion before bedtime by deep breathing steam through your nose. The steam not only decreases the amount of congestion, but also soothes the throat. Nasal strips can also provide temporary relief from congestion and may help some people stop snoring.

These are just some of the natural ways to stop snoring.

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