They say sleep is the number one way of health and beauty and long life.Yes, true indeed and you need at least 8 hours of rest at night.
You ever notice when someone is well rested and they feel great in a lot of ways. That is why the saying goes: I've got to get my beauty rest!
Although, sleep is away of a youthful life that can bring you lots of prosperity and life filled with energy.
Did you know that: When one doesn't get enough rest at night they start paying for it the next day by having attitudes and tantrums and some tend to get grouchy and want to take their anger out on other people all because they haven't rested.
However, if you don't get enough rest and you're working very hard as the days go by, you're bound to fall on your face. Now, most people drink energy shakes and red bull and think they will get by like that as the days go by. But in all actuality, it's very unhealthy for you and doesn't give you the results that you actually need, because most energy shakes give you that boost, but give it a few hours and you'll feel dreary and worn out as if you stayed up all night long partying, leaving you feeling aggravated and drained.
Know this: You can't function properly without the proper sleep your body needs. I basically couldn't function properly without any sleep.
You ever feel like you're losing your mind because you can't sleep or haven't slept in days.
Now, some people that can't sleep usually take a Tylenol PM or some sort of a sleep aid just so they can go to sleep. But you must be very careful when taking sleep aids because most people usually overdose on sleep medication.
Look at Heath Ledger, who just recently died because he overdosed on sleeping pills with a mixture of another medicine and his cause of death was an intoxication from prescription drugs all because he said that he couldn't sleep and was very stressed out. However, stress will do it to you everytime if you're really stressed out and will cause you to not sleep which is very unhealthy for the body.
Remember: The brain cannot function properly without sleep. Although, sleep is the best thing in the world and people can't get enough of it. But sometimes, you might get too much sleep which makes you lazy. However, there are people who just can't seem to get enough sleep and usually seek the help of a sleep disorder clinic.
Although, you can basically tell if a person has had enough sleep or not by their eyes and body language. Remember: Body language can tell a lot about a person. But not only the body language, it's usually written all over your face.
Some people suffer from sleep disorders which involves any difficulties related to trouble falling or staying asleep at inappropriate times of the day.
Now some people have abnormal behaviors associated with sleep, and usually have sleep disruptive behaviors because if you really think about it, no one likes to be disrupted from a good sleep.
Most people that have trouble falling asleep usually don't know that it's usually caused by caffeine, heavy smoking, and certain prescription medications. It's a known fact that people who feel that they don't get enough sleep usually have problems which may occur when maintaining a consistent amount of sleep and wake schedule that is disrupted.
However, sleep disruption occurs when you're usually in a deep sleep and is dreaming and someone wakes you up for no reason whatsoever. Don't you hate that? I know I do.
If you can't sleep at night you should seek a medical professional if a lack of sleep continues or just call for an appointment with your healthcare provider if this is interfering with your daily routine and if you're prescribed any medication such as sleeping pills which should be used only when prescribed by a healthcare provider.
When you can't sleep they say that AmbienCR is right for you.
Now what is Ambien? Ambien is a sleep aid for insomnia.
Although, I truly believe that all you need to do is go to bed at a reasonable hour, eat breakfast, exercise and take it easy. I can assure you won't regret it.
Word of advice: Try not to overwork yourself cause you'll regret it!
When it comes to sleep: You should try to follow the sleeping pattern of 8 hours of rest at night!