The Importance of Regular Sleeping

Humans must fulfill his needs to survive his life. To fulfill his needs, he has to work. Unfortunately, if you are sick of working, you usually work at night and noon. Even, you become workaholic, so you forget a meaningful thing for your health, which is taking a rest or sleeping. In fact, less sleeping will cause a negative influence for your health, in both short term and long term.


Sleeping is a very important process for human because there is convalescence in this activity. Sleeping is a process that is useful to carry back the condition of someone. So, by this activity, you can refresh your tired body.

If this process is disturbed, your body will not work maximally. As the result, people who sleep less will be tired fast and will experience the decline of concentration. In addition, less sleeping will cause the aging process to be faster.

Somatropin Hormone

Somatropin hormone is a hormone that has a big role in constraining the aging process. This hormone is produced when sleeping and works for cell regeneration. However, when your sleeping time is disturbed, your body cannot produce this hormone well. As the result, the cell regeneration will be disturbed. In the other hand, without cell regeneration, the dead cells will be irreplaceable.

If the cell activity is disturbed, the body metabolism will not last well. So, people who sleep less will be old sooner. As the result, there is function decadence to some organs of their body and finally they lean to get some diseases easily.

Sleeping Quality

You should also pay attention to your sleeping quality. Of course, the quality of sleeping does not depend on quantity, but it depends on the fulfillment of your body to sleep.

It is known that everyone needs the different sleeping time. There are people who need to sleep for 10 hours, but there are also people who only need to sleep for 6 hours. In short, the length of sleeping time depends on an individual. But, according to a health rule, the sleeping need for children is for 8 up to 10 hours, while the sleeping need for adult is for 6 up to 8 hours.

The indicator that your sleeping time is sufficient is the condition of your body when waking up. If you feel fresh after waking up, it means that your sleeping is sufficient. On the contrary, if you still feel exhausted when waking up, it means that your sleeping is less.

That is why, it is important for you to fulfill your sleeping need. Do not ever cut your sleeping time with any reason. You should organize your daily sleeping time to get sufficient sleeping time.

If you still sleep less, you should consume antioxidant. It is useful to constrain the aging process and increase the stamina.

A healthy and fresh body is the desirability of everyone. That is why, it is important for you to maintain your sleeping everyday. With a fresh condition, you can do your activity better.