Innovative Ways That Can Help You Sleep Better

Insomnia is a condition that many people can relate to. In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health, about 60 million of Americans are suffering from chronic insomnia annually. Although it is more common in older individuals, men are found to be more prone to suffer from it. Furthermore, insomnia is usually a symptom that has other underlying disorders, such as sleep apnea, anxiety, depression, or even psychosis.

If you are suffering from insomnia occasionally, you may not need to take sleeping pills or medications. After all, such drugs may be habit forming and cause side effects, especially if you are taking other medications. In dealing with sleeping problems, sometimes you just need a bit of imagination and innovation. Here are some novel ways that can help you achieve better sleep.

Read An Uninteresting Book Or Magazine

There is nothing more boring than reading something that you are not interested in. If you are interested in romance or other fiction stories, you may want to read something medically related or something about a mathematical concept. In just a few minutes, you will surely fall asleep if you follow this tip.

Count Backwards

Many people have tried counting sheep and other animals to help them snooze. If you are one of those who have counted several pink lambs or green dogs but were not able to fall asleep, then you might want to change your modus. Try counting backwards, from a large number to a small one. By counting backwards, you will feel that you are descending, which could make you want to fall asleep.

Try Having Sex

Have you ever noticed that people tend to fall asleep after a great sexual encounter? If you have not been sleeping well lately, you just might need to have sex with your partner. In case you are single, you can still enjoy and reap the benefits of sex by doing it by yourself. Surely, after the act, you will fall asleep in no time.

Use Some Earplugs

There are many people who cannot sleep because of the snoring of their roommates or partner. If you find yourself in this position, you probably need some help to minimize the noise produced by others. If you can find a pillow that can drown away the sounds, then it can help make you sleep. For many, however, earplugs work so much better.

Let Your Imagination Run Wild

To avoid tossing and turning while on your bed at night, it may be a great idea to let your imagination work. Try to visualize the things you can buy or do if you have billions of dollars in your bank account. Since there is a lot of money at stake, there is a big probability that you will be asleep before you spend every single dollar in your dream.

Don't Think Of Anything At All

A lot of people use their time in bed to think of the things that they need to finish the next day. As a result, they find it difficult to sleep, especially if they have something important to do the following day. To avoid this, you might just want to think of nothing instead. Try imagining a place that is pitch dark. And in no time, you will surely be yawning and snoozing.

If the above tips do not help you snooze, you can use other outside help. If you are not taking any medications, then you can probably look for a natural-based sleep supplement that is not habit forming. One product that can help you is Somulin. For more details, click on to