Tips to Help You Stop Having Nightmares and Get a Good Night's Rest Without Monsters Interrupting You

We all have nightmares from time to time. But when they start to become a habit, it's time to deal with them and work towards the ideal of stopping nightmares dead in their tracks.

1. Check your medication

Modern medicines have a string of side effects. They're detailed in the small print in the leaflet that's tucked inside every box. Take a few minutes to skim through this in case nightmares are one of the side effects. If that's the case, talk to your doctor to see whether there's an alternative drug you can use instead that doesn't induce nightmares.

2. Cut down on the booze

Alcohol is OK in moderation. But larger amounts can have an adverse effect on your system. Reduce your alcohol intake - gradually, not cold turkey - and see whether this helps reduce your scary dreams.

3. Talk it through with someone

Our bodies use sleep time to process the things that have happened during the day. If you're having regular nightmares, there's a good chance that some nasty things are being processed. Talk them through with a trusted friend or family member.

4. Learn to relax

Sometimes our nightmares are the only way our body can get rid of pent up feelings and emotions. Learning to relax with something like meditation or yoga will likely help cut down your violent dreams.

5. Check a dream book

There are lots of places you can check dream meanings. They're not all 100% correct for every situation but they may give you a clue as to what it the root cause of your nightmares. If that's the case, you could be on your way to stopping your nightmares by getting to the root of what's causing them.