Everything You Should Know about Snoring

Have you ever kept a close watch on the head shape of a person who is snoring when sleeping? Some researchers state that there is a relationship between the head shape and snoring.

Some researchers conclude that person whose head is round has a bigger risk to get sleep apnea or stop breathing when sleeping. He also has snoring habit that is more chronic than person whose head is thinner.

According to Dr. Mark Hans, the manager of Orthodontics in Case Western, person whose head is round, his head is relatively wider so its path is relatively keener from front to behind. Apnea (stop breathing when sleeping) usually causes someone to snore loudly.

Hans and five of his partners in Case Western compare 60 people who used to snore and 60 people who never snore. By using X-ray, they assess their teeth, throats, noses, nasal cavities, and chins to determine craniofacial risk index. Of course, those researchers do not know each of their snoring histories before. However, in fact, they are successful to determine the apnea problem using the index.

Apnea can cause you to be sleepy at noon. It is also able to increase your blood pressure and increase the bigger risk for you to get some problems in heart and blood vessel. As a result, 12 millions of Americans experience this sleeping disorder.

In addition, Dr. Steven Feinsilver, a sleeping expert from North Shore University in Manhasset, New York, states that the index is also able to be used as a screening tool to determine that people need to do the sleep apnea checkup that is expensive.

Related to snoring, you should be careful with this habit. A research that is done in USA shows that there is a relationship between snoring and headache. However, the research cannot make sure that you get headache because of snoring or you snore because of getting headache.

In this case, the researchers from US National Institute learn people whose ages are around 18 - 65 years old. First of all, they learn 206 people who get daily headache (they experience this problem approximately 260 times per year). Then, for a comparison, they also learn 507 people who get usual headache (they experience this problem around 2-104 times per year). Next, they are asked to explain how often they snore.

From the research, it can be concluded that people who get headache everyday have the bigger risk to snore compared to people who get a usual headache. However, there is also a research that focuses on the ability of getting snore because of alcohol and overweight.

Dr Ann Scher, the leader of the research, states that headache can cause person to snore or vice versa. Meanwhile, Dr Peter Goadsby from Institute of Neurology London states that person who is snoring is bating carbon dioxide that can cause the blood change. As the result, you can get headache. To solve it, you are suggested to do therapy.